In his meeting with the president of Romania, he expresses his explicit rejection of the amnesty law that he will present at the EPP congress

BUCHAREST, March 5 (From the special envoy of EUROPA PRESS, Marisa Piqueras) –

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, welcomed this Tuesday that the European Prosecutor’s Office has opened an investigation into the contracts of the so-called ‘Koldo case’ in the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands to analyze a possible fraudulent use of European funds and has defended the need for the European Union agrees on mechanisms to improve the fight against corruption.

This was stated in his meeting with the president of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, to whom he also presented the resolution that the PP will present at the Congress of the European ‘popular’ on the rule of law of the EU and which includes an explicit rejection to the amnesty law that the Government of Pedro Sánchez is negotiating with the independentistas.

In this PP resolution, which will be incorporated into the EPP manifesto that will be approved at the Bucharest congress prior to the European elections, it is stated that the amnesty law “undermines judicial independence” and has been drafted by its “own beneficiaries.” . It also warns that it includes crimes relevant to the EU such as embezzlement and terrorism and could lead to the “closing of the existing judicial investigation into Russia’s interference in intense Catalan secessionism.” For this reason, the PP calls on the European Commission to closely examine this rule.

During his meeting with Iohannis, Feijóo pointed out that with this rule – which is waiting for the Justice Commission that meets on Thursday to issue a new opinion – the Government seeks to ensure that Pedro Sánchez “continues in La Moncloa in exchange of impunity for crimes committed by pro-independence politicians”, as reported by the PP.

Furthermore, Feijóo has agreed with the president of Romania, the country that is hosting the conclave of the European Popular Party, on the need for Europe to strengthen the fight against corruption with “more transparent legislation against this scourge that no European democracy can tolerate.” .

In this context, and with the media focus in Spain on the so-called ‘Koldo case, about an alleged plot of bribes in the purchase of masks during the pandemic, Feijóo has described it as “very positive” for the clarification of the case that the Prosecutor’s Office European Union has opened an investigation for alleged crimes of misappropriation of public funds, prevarication and influence peddling in the contracts signed by the Canarian Health Service and the Health Service of the Balearic Islands, as added by the PP.

In fact, the same resolution that the PP brings to the EPP congress on defending the rule of law in the EU also includes the need for “strict measures against corruption”, including the application of anti-corruption laws and strong transparency regulations. . Furthermore, it supports the reinforcement of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office to monitor and coordinate anti-corruption efforts in Member States.

During the interview with the president of Romania, Feijóo praised the Atlanticist vocation of this country derived from its position as a great NATO ally and its inclusion in Western security schemes. In this sense, both have condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine, two years later.

Likewise, they have shown their support for the primary sector in their demands and for the rural world, another of the issues on which the Spanish PP will emphasize in the Bucharest conclave, after several weeks with protests by ranchers and farmers.

In this meeting with Iohannis, Feijóo highlighted the ties that unite the two countries – more than half a million Romanians live in Spain, fully integrated into Spanish society – and expressed his support for allowing Romanians living in Spain can obtain dual nationality. He also celebrated that as of March 31, both Romania and Bulgaria will join the Schengen area.

The meeting with the Romanian president is the first of at least nine others with political leaders that Feijóo will hold during these two days. Thus, tomorrow he will do so with the president of the European Commission, Úrsula Von der Layen.

He will also hold meetings with Andrés Pastrana, president of the IDC-CDI; Margaritis Schinas, vice president of the European Commission; Alexander Dobrindt, Chairman of the CSU Parliamentary Group and Fiedrich Merz, Chairman of the CDU. He will also do so with Antonio Tajani, vice president of the Government of Italy; Boiko Borisov, former Prime Minister of Bulgaria; Iliana Ivanova, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth; and Wopke Hoekstra, commissioner of Climate Action, according to the party’s progress.