The Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration and the social organization Accem have assured that the Emergency, Reception and Referral Center opened in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) guarantees human rights through a humanitarian care program aimed at migrants and refugees.

In this way, they have denied the accusations made by the Spanish Network for Immigration and Refugee Assistance which, in a press release, have accused the Alcalá center of “continued mistreatment” and of “marking the victims with numbers on the skin.” residents of the center, a “outright and radically false” statement, as stated by the Ministry in a statement sent to Europa Press.

Thus, the Ministry has recalled that it has a network of devices throughout the national territory, among which is said center and where migrants receive initial humanitarian care consisting of accommodation, maintenance and basic medical assistance.

The department headed by Elma Saiz has also denied that there is “tough control” of migrants, as noted by the Spanish Immigration Network, since these emergency centers “are outpatient and have a schedule to ensure basic rules of coexistence and of adequate care to the people they host”.

“The Ministry and Accem consider the succession of unfounded news that is being spread to public opinion to be very serious and that hinders the work of accompaniment and humanitarian care, in addition to causing unjustified social alarm,” they lamented, while underlining that The situation in the center and in the surrounding area is one of “calm and coexistence.” “And this dialectical escalation is not constructive and stigmatizes people who arrive in a vulnerable situation,” the statement concluded.