The talks, the first since the April attacks between Iran and Israel, took place this week in Oman


The Iranian Government has confirmed that it is holding indirect talks in Oman with senior US representatives to try to contain a regional expansion of the war in Gaza between Israel and Hamas, which in April went through a critical moment with the execution of Iran’s first direct attack against territory Israeli.

The negotiations, which took place this week, according to sources from the Axios portal, have finally been confirmed by the Iranian representative to the United Nations, Saeed Iravani, in comments collected by the semi-official Iranian news agency Mehr.

“These negotiations are a constant process. They have not been the first nor will they be the last,” he explained, without giving more details about what have been the first conversations of this type since Iran launched the April attack against Israel.

The operation consisted of the firing of some 350 projectiles, including drones and missiles, towards an Israeli air base from which a previous attack against the Iranian consulate in Damascus was supposedly launched, which killed the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards for Lebanon and Syria. Muhammad Reza Zahedi. Iran described its counterattack as a success, but according to Tel Aviv the vast majority of the projectiles were intercepted.

Axios sources reported that the US representation was led by White House Middle East adviser Brett McGurk and acting envoy to Iran Abram Paley. The format of the talks, added sources from the ‘New York Times’, was similar to that of the last round held in January, also in Oman: the Americans in one room, the Iranians in another, and Omani mediators acting as a communicating vessel between the two. .

The talks focused on “clarifying the consequences of Iran’s actions,” as well as those of its related militias in the region, especially Hezbollah in Lebanon, involved in constant artillery exchanges with Israel since the outbreak of the Gaza war, and They also addressed U.S. concerns about the status of Iran’s nuclear program.