Vacancies that offered part-time contracts (10%) and discontinuous permanent contracts (8.5%) were the ones that grew the most


Job vacancies in Spain closed August with 187,039 offers to work in Spain, which is 9% less than in July and 10% below those registered in the same month of the previous year, according to Infojobs data.

Compared to August of last year, most of the categories registered negative percentages, such as commercial and sales, with 28,600 vacancies, 19% less compared to August 2022; computing and telecommunications, with 9,100 jobs offered, 28% less, or customer service, with 15% less, up to 21,400 vacancies.

In the case of the star category during the summer months, tourism and restaurants, vacancies grew by 4% in relation to July, although they also decreased in the year-on-year comparison (-10%), while the most positive sector in August was production and RD, which touched 9,400 vacancies, 59% more than in August of last year.

Education and training met just over 4,100 vacancies in August, 17% less than a year ago. However, in the accumulated 2023, the category exceeded the data recorded in the same period of the previous year, with 650 more vacancies than in 2022, up to 47,500.

Regarding the most demanded professionals in the category throughout 2023, the first three positions are held by private teachers, educators and leisure and free time monitors.

Among the vacancies registered in InfoJobs in August, a total of 76,187 jobs were published that offered an indefinite contract, representing 41% of the vacancies that reported on the type of contract. Fixed-term contracts, 53,398, represented 29% of the total on the platform.

On the other hand, vacancies that offered part-time contracts (10%) and discontinuous permanent contracts (8.5%) were the ones that grew the most in August, due to the seasonality that characterizes this time of year.

By autonomous community, Andalusia is the community that lost the most vacancies year-on-year, with 19.16% fewer job offers in August. They are followed by the Valencian Community (-19%) and Catalonia (-13.69%).

On the opposite side, only five autonomous communities gain positions this August compared to the eighth month of 2022: Galicia (11.17%), the Basque Country (9.05%), Extremadura (6.57%), Cantabria (1.48 %) and Navarra (1.17%).