The former leader of ETA José Antonio Urrutikoetxea, ‘Josu Ternera’, is credited in the documentary ‘Don’t call me Ternera’, in which he is interviewed by journalist Jordi Évole and whose premiere will take place at the San Sebastián Film Festival, his participation in a murder for which he was not prosecuted and which, furthermore, was dismissed by the Amnesty Law of 1977.

As published this Thursday by El Correo and El Diario Vasco, the aforementioned documentary begins with the words Francisco Ruiz, victim of ETA. The former municipal police officer of Galdakao was shot when he tried to protect the mayor of this Biscayan town, Víctor Legorburu, murdered in 1976.

In the information from these media it is pointed out that in ‘Don’t call me Ternera’, Évole shows Ruiz the images in which Urrutikoetxea acknowledges his intervention in the attack. Thus, he points out that three members of the gang were prosecuted for that death, but not Urrutikoetxea since, “as a result of the approval of the Amnesty Law, that and other crimes received a free acquittal.”

On the other hand, the director of the San Sebastián Festival, José Luis Rebordinos, asked again by journalists about this controversy in a press conference, has reiterated that you have to “see the film to give your opinion.”

“Gentlemen, whoever wants to see the film, let him see it, whoever doesn’t, no. Nobody is obliged. Once people see the film, as we said in our statement, they can freely give their opinion about the film,” he stated.

Rebordinos has assured that “of course” he will respect “all the opinions of those who have seen” the documentary, and has stressed that “those who ask to censor a film before seeing it really make me doubt their intentions, sincerely.”

The director of Zinemaldia has stated that he is “very tired” of this controversy and, as he said, “from now on I refer to the statement we released” because “really what we had to say we have already said.”

After ensuring that the Festival has not received “any type of response” to the offer they made to the more than 500 signatories of the manifesto that requested that the film be removed from the program for “whitewashing ETA” to make a private showing so that watched the documentary, José Luis Rebordinos considered that we are in “a society of adults” and everyone “has the ability to watch a film and draw conclusions”, while stating that “I don’t believe that listening to a murderer you are going to become murderers.”