Investigation commissions will be opened that may lead to “responsibility actions” or legislative modifications

PSOE and Junts have reached an agreement for the investiture of the socialist candidate Pedro Sánchez that includes an amnesty law for those involved in the process and that also admits cases of ‘lawfare’, according to the text to which Europa Press has had access, a expression that refers to the abusive use of justice for political purposes. In addition, it points out that investigative commissions will be created that may lead to responsibilities or legislative changes.

“This law must include both those responsible and the citizens who, before and after the 2014 consultation and the 2017 referendum, have been the subject of decisions or judicial processes linked to these events,” states the agreement signed by the secretary. of Organization of the PSOE, Santos Cerdán and the general secretary of Junts, Jordi Turull.

Both parties consider that the amnesty law will seek “full political, institutional and social normality”, which in their opinion is an essential requirement to address the challenges of the immediate future, as stated in the text.

They also point out that in the next legislature investigative commissions will be established and the conclusions they reach will be taken into account in the application of the amnesty law “to the extent that situations falling within the concept of lawfare or judicialization of politics could arise.” .

Furthermore, they point out that these alleged actions of use of judicial institutions against political adversaries or judicial war can produce consequences that “if applicable, may give rise to liability actions or legislative modifications,” according to the text.

This is a demand from Junts that can open the door for the amnesty to also cover people who have committed crimes that are not directly included in the independence process, such as the president of Junts, Laura Borrás or the collaborator of the former Catalan president, Carles Puigdemont. , José Luis Alay or the former president’s lawyer, Gonzalo Boye, all of them accused of crimes other than the independence process.

In a press conference from Brussels to explain the pact, Cerdán explained this Thursday that the amnesty covers people who have been related to the process from its beginnings in 2012 until this Wednesday, November 8, although it will be the judges who will decide who they are benefited.

In addition, he explained that the bill will be passed to all groups so that they can review it and sign it if they so wish. “From there, we have to see what happens against the others, it is not us, it is the judges who assess whether it covers some or others. No names in particular have been talked about,” explained the ‘number three’ of the PSOE.