The Ministry of Yolanda Díaz, “deeply upset” with the Department of María Jesús Montero for failing to comply with a union agreement

The Ministry of Labor is “deeply upset” by the refusal of the Ministry of Finance and Public Function to reinforce the staff of the Labor Inspectorate and thus breach the agreement that it had reached with the unions in July 2021, according to sources from the Department that directs Yolanda Diaz.

After more than a year and a half of conversations, negotiating sources have explained to Europa Press that, contrary to what was promised, the Treasury now refuses to undertake a new List of Job Positions (RPT) for the Inspection, which would have meant the incorporation of 790 more professionals and a change, for the better, in the organization’s structure.

The same sources have indicated that Labor sees political motives behind this Treasury decision, since it understands that, with a few days to go before the municipal elections, only issues that affect ministries that are not from United We Can are being solved, as has been done. past with personnel problems in Justice and Social Security.

In Labor it is argued that, behind the reversal of the Treasury, there are no budgetary reasons, since the budget of the Inspectorate to accommodate the new changes in the workforce has increased by 50%. However, the Díaz Ministry cannot decide on the RPT because it is the responsibility of the Treasury.

Faced with this version, sources from the Ministry of Finance and Public Function have assured Europa Press that it continues to work “normally” with the Ministry of Labor “with the aim of expanding the number of troops of the Inspection”.

Public Function has authorized an increase of 781 troops for Labor inspectors and sub-inspectors. In addition, they have been authorized, as last year, an extraordinary productivity of six million euros. This remuneration improvement is added to the salary agreement already signed, which represents a salary increase for this year of 2.5%, and which may reach a rise of 9.8% in the 2022-2024 period.

It must also be remembered that the Civil Service Law, which is currently being processed in the Congress of Deputies, establishes the professional development horizon that the Labor Inspectorate had demanded.

For their part, union sources have told Europa Press that the Secretary of State for Employment, Joaquín Pérez Rey, informed them this afternoon, during a meeting, of the “blocking” of the negotiations with the Treasury and Civil Service regarding the process of elaboration of the RPT of the Inspection.

“The Ministry of Finance and Public Function has communicated to the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy that no modification can be addressed at this time, as it would cause chain demands in other areas of the General State Administration”, point out from the unions with representation in the Labor Inspectorate.


The meeting between Labor and the Inspection unions took place just a few hours before the protest concentration that they have called for tomorrow at noon in front of the General Directorate of Public Function as part of the second phase of mobilizations that they have undertaken to protest the “chaotic” situation of the organism.

CCOO, CIG, CSIF, Sitss, Sislass, UGT, UPIT and Usess, unions calling the protests, have long been demanding that the Government comply with the agreement it signed with them in July 2021 to reinforce and increase the Inspection staff.

The union organizations argue that the previous List of Job Positions (RPT) of the Inspection dates back more than 20 years, so it is necessary to comply with the one agreed with the unions and immediately incorporate the 500 troops that The rest of the committed personnel had been urgently and progressively promised.