The PSOE deputy in the Congress for Asturias, Adriana Lastra, has accused PP and Vox of being “political promoters” of the “signals” that have generated attacks on headquarters and attacks on socialist deputies, for which she has complained to Alberto Núñez Feijóo clearly condemns these attacks and “asks for forgiveness.”

“If they don’t do it, we will hold them responsible for anything that happens to the socialists,” he said, stating that if the ‘popular’ are not capable of “behaving like democrats” they will no longer be accomplices “but rather intellectual authors.”

In a press conference in Oviedo, Lasta announced that she herself had to go to report to the Police for the insults and attacks received at the FSA headquarters.

For all this, he has called on the PP to end “its strategy of intimidation and pointing out” and on Feijóo, who is attending the regional PP Congress this Sunday in the Asturian capital, to take advantage of the visit to condemn these attacks “and respect democracy.” .

“If they don’t do it, we will hold them responsible for anything that happens to the socialists,” said Lastra, who recalled that the one who will be ratified this Saturday as president of the Asturian PP, Álvaro Queipo, compared the investiture of Pedro Sánchez with the coup of Tejero state.

The Asturian deputy has described the “signaling” of socialists on social networks, the demonstrations or the vandalization of headquarters as an example that there are sectors “that do not know how to assume the mandate of the polls.”

On the other hand, Lastra wanted to remember that the Amnesty Law “is just another law” and has been convinced that it is “fully constitutional.” Thus, she recalled that the possible unrest she had “is more relaxed.” “What was not possible was to have the General Council of the Judiciary or the Supreme Court question a law that they did not know about. It was a bit daring,” she noted.

Finally, regarding the words of Junts in the investiture debate of Pedro Sánchez, he indicated that “we are used to fireworks, many times we talk more for our own than for others.” “They were not speaking so much for us as for their own electorate,” he declared.