Logista obtained a net profit of 272 million euros in its fiscal year 2023, which ended on September 30, which represents an increase of 36.9% compared to the previous year despite the “complex” macroeconomic and geopolitical scenario, according to The company reported this Wednesday that it will propose at its general meeting of shareholders the distribution of a complementary dividend for a total amount of 181 million euros.

The firm increased its income by 8.4% between October 2022 and September 2023, to 12,428 million euros, with increases in practically all of its businesses in Iberia and Italy and in the distribution of related products in France, while its Economic sales registered an increase of 36.3%, up to 1,684 million euros.

In this sense, despite the macroeconomic environment, Logista has explained that it has obtained “good results” and that it has achieved increases in the main headings of its income statement.

Logista’s adjusted operating profit (adjusted EBIT) reached 366 million euros, increasing by 17.1% compared to the previous year.

The firm has highlighted that fiscal year 2023 has been “a milestone” in the execution of its diversification strategy, reaching 50% of its economic sales in non-tobacco businesses for the first time.

By region, in Iberia (Spain, Portugal and Poland), economic sales reached 1,093 million euros, after an increase of 58% compared to fiscal year 2022, while it received 4,473 million euros, 20% more.

In Italy, economic sales reached 370 million euros, registering an increase of 12% compared to the previous year, while it increased its income by 6% to reach 4,256 million euros.

Finally, in France, economic sales reached 226 million euros, which represents an increase of 4% compared to 2022, while its income reached 3,755 million euros, registering a growth of 0.5% compared to the previous year. .

The CEO of Logista, Iñigo Meirás, has highlighted that fiscal year 2023 shows a turning point in the execution of the company’s diversification strategy, “having reached for the first time 50% of economic sales coming from non-profit businesses. tobacco”.


The firm has detailed that it intends to propose to the general meeting of shareholders the distribution of a complementary dividend for fiscal year 2023 of 181 million euros, at a rate of 1.36 euros per share, which will be paid in the first quarter of the year. natural 2024.

Likewise, on July 20, 2023, the company’s board of directors approved the distribution of an interim dividend for fiscal year 2023, which was paid on August 28 and amounted to 65 million euros –0.49 euros per share–, which represents an increase of 14% over the interim dividend paid in the previous year.

Logista has indicated that the total dividend proposed for fiscal year 2023 amounts to a total of 245 million euros –1.85 euros per share–, which represents an increase of 34% compared to that distributed in the previous year, of 1. 38 euros per share, and a payout of 90%.

Regarding forecasts, the company will continue to register “sustained” growth for fiscal year 2024, estimating a medium single-digit growth in adjusted operating profit over that obtained in fiscal year 2023, without taking into account the impact of revaluation of inventories. due to its exceptional nature during fiscal year 2023 or possible new acquisitions.


For its part, the company’s board of directors, in its meeting held this Tuesday, accepted the resignation presented by the proprietary director Lillian Blohm, with effect from October 31, 2023.

It has also unanimously agreed to the appointment by co-option as proprietary director of Julia Lefèvre for the statutory period of four years, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Blohm, who held the same category.

Likewise, Logista has co-opted Teresa Paz-Ares as an independent director to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Alain Minc.