Although the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, had initially planned to visit Barbate (Cádiz) this Saturday, where two civil guards died this past Friday and two other agents were injured after being hit by a drug boat, the minister will carry out Cádiz capital the acts related to this event, for which five people have been arrested, specifically three crew members of a drug boat and two more people who had come to pick them up.

In more detail, Grande-Marlaska plans to visit the Cádiz Civil Guard Command at around 1:45 p.m., where he will hold a meeting with Colonel Luis Martín Velasco, head of the Command.

Subsequently, he will move to the Government Subdelegation in Cádiz, where he will chair a technical coordination table with the delegate of the central Government in Andalusia, Pedro Fernández; the general director of the Civil Guard, Leonardo Marcos González; responsible for the National Police and the subdelegate of the Government in Cádiz, Blanca del Pilar Flores, to analyze the circumstances of the event that occurred in Barbate and resulted in the death of two Civil Guard agents.

As explained by the Armed Institute in a statement, this past Friday afternoon the Civil Guard had established a device in the Port of Barbate to identify the occupants of several high-speed boats.

“At the moment of approaching the boats, one of them suddenly rammed into the GEAS patrol boat of the Civil Guard, occupied by six agents,” he detailed.

As a result of the attack, two civil guards, a GEAS agent and another from the GAR, died. Two other officers have also been injured, one seriously and the other slightly.

Precisely, the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, assured this Friday that Campo Gibraltar is already “almost” considered “de facto” as a Special Singularity Zone, a constant claim by anti-drug associations and police groups.

In statements to journalists after presenting in Algeciras (Cádiz) the fourth Special Security Plan for Campo de Gibraltar, which covers six Andalusian provinces, the minister defended that this plan is already underway in this region and that the Government has allocated “resources “both at a personal and material level” that make him deserving “de facto, not de jure” of this declaration.