The Minister of Economy of Argentina, Sergio Massa, presidential candidate of Unión por la Patria, and his rival, the ultra-liberal Javier Milei, of La Libertad Avanza, remain in voting intention within what could be considered a technical tie, without None of them have managed to establish themselves as favorites for the second round of elections, scheduled for December 19.

Massa was the candidate with the most votes in the first round, with more than 36 percent of the votes, while Milei came second, with just over 30 percent. However, the polls now anticipate an even scenario, especially after some of the main names of the classic right, such as the third candidate in the running, Patricia Bullrich, and former president Mauricio Macri, have publicly given their support to Milei.

As of this Saturday, new polls can no longer be published, but the most recent ones place the two candidates in dispute for the Casa Rosada with a low difference, in most cases within the margin of error. The polls collected by the newspaper ‘La Nación’ show a slight advantage for Milei, despite the fact that Massa was a surprise in the first round because the polls were unable to measure the true level of support for the Peronist candidate.

In the primary elections in August, that same surprise factor favored Milei, who became the candidate with the most votes in a context where there was practically a tie between the three main blocs, so messages and events will predictably intensify during the elections. coming days in search of votes that can still oscillate between different sides.

One of the milestones in this final stretch will be the debate between candidates, called this coming Sunday, while it also remains to be seen the real echo that the messages from Bullrich and Macri, who have opted to remove Kirchnerism, will have among the most traditional conservative voters. of power and follow the messages of “change” on which Milei’s drive is based.

The debate, which will begin on Sunday at 9:00 p.m. (local time) and will be held at the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires, will revolve around several major axes – economy, Argentina’s relations with the world, education and health , production and work, security and Human Rights and democratic coexistence– in which the two candidates will outline their respective policies.