The deputy secretary general of the PSOE and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, has questioned the “patriotism” of the PP, criticizing that they “put sticks in the wheel” of the Government “rejecting policies for the empowerment of the majority.” “They intend to detach citizens from politics by making noise so that populism nests and prevent the music of politics from playing,” she added.

This is how Montero expressed himself in Cádiz, during his speech at the presentation of the socialist candidacy for the Cádiz City Council, headed by Óscar Torres. An act in which the provincial secretary of the PSOE in the province of Cádiz and president of the Provincial Council, Juan Carlos Ruiz Boix, also participated.

He has defended that the PSOE “has been the best instrument of Spanish society to build democracy”, since “it means participation and equality” and that “it has been able to understand the evolution of the world” and that it reflects “the wealth of the whole of the society”. Along these lines, he has warned that “nobody can afford not to participate in elections in which their ballot has the same weight as that of the powerful, the one who does not need politics because their heritage supports them.”

“When taking the ballot for the municipal elections, you have to ask yourself for whom the different parties govern and who is at the center of their concern,” said the Minister of Finance, advising to ask “if legislating for the citizens or looking for thousands of excuses to safeguard the interests of banks, big capital or companies, maintaining inequalities”.

Regarding the motion of censure presented by Vox this past Tuesday in the Congress of Deputies, Montero has assured that “it has made it clear” that the current Executive “governs through dialogue and negotiation with unions and employers, not as it did the PP, since the imposition”. “Coexistence is the first task of the ruler. We call ourselves a society because we have the capacity to progress together,” he added, stressing that the PP “leaves people behind, without paving the way for progress and losing the opportunity to incorporate an important part of the population”.

He stressed that with the motion “we have learned that there are two ways to address the inevitable problems that can arise in a country”, something that depends, in his opinion “depending on who is governed for”. Along these lines, Montero recalled “the management carried out by the PP of the previous financial crisis” which consisted “in devaluing wages, impoverishing workers, disempowering unions and cutting public services, weakening the social majority”.

Asó, has contrasted that the socialist government “has always had people at the center of politics, knowing when to put public resources into action as a social buffer so as not to settle the crisis with inequality.”

Thirdly, Montero has remarked that the motion has shown that the Government “is permanently attending to the urgent and betting on what we can have the upper hand.” “We can take the lead in the ecological transition, because we are a privileged country in terms of the creation of alternative energy; in the digital transition or in reindustrialization”, he added.

On the other hand, the socialist has criticized the attitude of the president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, who “has gone to Brussels to speak ill of Spain, asking that the European funds that President Sánchez obtained with so much work and that are allowing us to overcome the crisis”. “They call themselves patriots and they are never there when it comes to defending the majority,” she added.

In addition, Montero has criticized “the lurch” of Feijóo “towards the extreme right with the abstention in the motion of no confidence, tiptoeing through the situation”, since “they are going to govern with Vox, as in Castilla y León, while the rest of Europe puts a sanitary cordon on it, because the image of parties that question democratic and constitutional orders cannot be whitewashed”.