He claims that Hezbollah “joined the battle on October 8” and warns that “all options are on the table”


The general secretary of the Lebanese Shiite party-militia Hezbollah, Hasan Nasrallah, stated this Friday that the attacks carried out on October 7 by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) were “a 100% Palestinian operation” and has highlighted that the operation ‘Al Aqsa flood’ has caused “an earthquake” in Israel.

“The decision regarding this great and sacred battle was 100 percent Palestinian and those who carried it out hid it from other Palestinian factions and forces in the region,” Nasrallah said in his first public speech since the outbreak of hostilities.

Thus, he has stressed that “it is a purely Palestinian battle that is not related to any other regional and international factor” and has stressed that “it caused an earthquake at a military, political, psychological and security level in Israel”, as stated by the Lebanese television channel Al Manar.

However, Nasrallah has argued that Hezbollah “joined the battle since October 8.” “What is happening on our front is very important and influential and will not be limited in any way (to what has happened so far),” Nasrallah defended, referring to the clashes on the border between Lebanon and Israel.

For this reason, he has stressed that “since October 8, the Islamic resistance has been participating in a real battle that only those present on the border can feel” and has maintained that these events “had not taken place since 1948 – -year of the creation of the State of Israel–, even in the July War –referring to the 2006 conflict–, when all enemy installations were targets of offensive operations.”

“These operations on the border have created a state of anxiety, panic and fear among the enemy leadership and among the Americans due to the possibility that the front will lead to an additional escalation or provoke a broad war,” he said, before warn that “there is a realistic possibility of this happening and it is something that must be taken into account by the enemy.”

Thus, he has defended that Hezbollah’s decision to attack Israeli positions in the north of the country has caused Israel to have to divert troops and weapons to the border with Lebanon, where “a third of the Israeli Army has been attracted, as well as a part important part of its regular and elite forces.

“Half of Israel’s naval capabilities are facing Lebanon and Haifa. Half of Israel’s missile defense systems are directed towards Lebanon. These are direct fruits of the battle on our borders,” he highlighted, before indicating that “This fear makes the enemy calculate carefully in his steps towards Lebanon.”

For this reason, he emphasized that “all possibilities are open and all options are on the table.” “The operations of the resistance and the blood of our martyrs convey to the enemy that they must consider that any aggression against Lebanon would be the greatest stupidity in its history and existence,” he warned.

“Anyone who wants to avoid a regional war has to hurry to stop the aggression against Gaza,” explained Nasrallah, who maintained that a resurgence of Hezbollah’s attacks against Israel “depends on the events in Gaza and the nature of the actions that are necessary”, as well as “the behavior of the Zionist enemy towards Lebanon”.

Nasrallah has also highlighted that “Iran publicly supports the resistance movements in Lebanon in Palestine, but does not exercise any hegemony over them” and has applauded the Iraqi and Yemeni groups that “have joined this sacred battle”, in reference to pro-Iran militias in Iraq and the Houthis in Yemen.

“What is happening in Gaza is not like the rest of the wars,” said the leader of Hezbollah, who stated that “the first objective must be to stop the aggression against Gaza.” “The triumph of Gaza means the triumph of Palestine and the States and peoples of the region, especially the neighboring countries,” he argued.

Nasrallah has maintained during his speech that “the ‘Al Aqsa Flood’ has exposed Israel’s weaknesses.” “Israelis now think, even more than I do, that Israel is weaker than a spider’s web,” he argued, while highlighting that “the operation paves the way for a new era in the region.”

Likewise, he has argued that the Israeli Army “is avoiding a large-scale ground operation in Gaza because it is weak and impotent” and has maintained that “the haste of the United States in going to support Israel has demonstrated the weakness and failure of this entity”.

“Israel is repeating the mistake of setting unattainable objectives,” said Nasrallah, who asserted that “for a month, Israel has not achieved a single achievement at the military level.” “What is happening in the Gaza Strip reflects the stupidity and inability of the Israelis, because what they are doing is killing people without achieving military achievements,” she said.

In addition, he has accused the United States of being “fully responsible for the war in Gaza”, which he has described as “a decisive and historic battle.” “What comes next will be different from what came before and everyone must take responsibility,” she argued.

In this way, he has emphasized that Israel “is the execution tool” of the United States, while Washington “prevents the aggression against Gaza from stopping.” “The scenes in Gaza confirm that the end of the battle will be the Gazan victory and the defeat of the enemy,” she explained.

For this reason, he has indicated that “these achievements, results and repercussions deserve all these sacrifices, since they will determine a new historical stage for the destiny of the Palestinians and the peoples and countries of the region”, given that “no matter what “the enemy government will not be able to change the effects of the ‘Al Aqsa Flood’ for the entity and its future.”

“The actions of the Hamas brothers have demonstrated the true identity of the battle and its objectives, preventing enemies from distorting them, especially regarding relations between Palestinian resistance factions and the region,” he argued.

“It seems that enemy governments do not learn from their experiences,” he ironized, while indicating that “the enemy’s policies were becoming increasingly arrogant, unjust, repressive and humiliating” before the attacks carried out by Hamas, which left nearly 1,400 dead and more than 240 kidnapped.

In this way, he pointed out that “the suffering of the Palestinian people has been known to the entire world for 70 years, but in recent years the conditions imposed by this extremist and unjust Israeli government have become harsher,” before elaborating that the situation in the Esplanade of the Mosques during the last months “is unprecedented since the occupation of Jerusalem”.

Thus, he has also denounced “an increase in settlements, murders, arrests, and home demolitions in the West Bank”, before lamenting that “all these issues were urgent without anyone in the world acting”

For this reason, he maintained that “it was necessary for a great event to take place that would shake the usurping entity, open all humanitarian aspects to the world and represent the issue of Palestine and its oppressed people” and he applauded “all those who have shown solidarity” with the Palestinians.