The confederal group replies that it is a normal movement in the Chamber and remembers that they had been waiting for a long time for the ‘purples’ to move

Podemos and Sumar have been involved in a new clash this week since their separation, this time due to their location in the offices of the purple deputies in Congress. Thus, the party led by Ione Belarra has denounced to the Police and to the president of Congress, Francia Armengol, the “irregular” access to the rooms used by its parliamentarians when they were in Sumar and the removal of their personal belongings from a common area. congressional.

Meanwhile, Sumar defends that this is a “normal” movement in the Chamber due to the eviction of premises, and, in fact, they have stated that they had been waiting for a long time for the departure of the ‘purples’ after their move to the Mixed Group to relocate to those rooms from the fourth floor to personnel from the plurinational group.

The controversy, according to ‘El Independiente’, comes from the adjacent situation of the purple deputies and Sumar in the offices on the fourth floor of Congress, where they were still located after the breakup of the coalition and where Sumar predominates.

Thus, the purples have informed the National Police of the “forced entry” into their offices last Monday afternoon and the belongings (documents, computer devices, personal objects, among others) of their representatives were removed in a corridor of the camera.

As sources from the purple party have indicated to Europa Press, Podemos did not receive any official notification from the chamber regarding the eviction of those offices and considers the events to be “extremely serious.”

Consequently, he has also asked the president of Congress, Francina Armengol, for protection to guarantee the rights of her four deputies and identify those responsible who have removed these objects without permission. Furthermore, she demands that the Police clarify these facts in case they constitute a crime.

On January 30, the Secretary General of Congress, Fernando Galindo, prepared a document reporting the agreement of the Chamber Board to modify the distribution of spaces and assign to the Mixed Group offices 53 and 56 on the third bis floor that previously belonged to Sumar.

However, from the purple rows they allege that they did not have that writing until after their offices were entered and that those rooms are multipurpose rooms, not offices for parliamentarians. Furthermore, they point out that the letter does not refer to the fact that they had to leave those offices nor does it refer to the new ones that they would occupy.

However, parliamentary sources explain that it is not necessary to make an express mention of these offices, since it is well known that since the beginning of the legislature they were awarded to the Sumar group and that they belong to them.

For his part, the general secretary of the Sumar group in Congress, Txema Guijarro, has told the media that it was the Congress Board that agreed to the change of offices once Podemos left the plurinational group in December to move to the Mixed, a situation that they consider “usual” and that has been carried out on other occasions “with complete normality.”


In fact, Guijarro has highlighted that Sumar had been “waiting” for a long time (two months) for this move to occur given that they have personnel who require these departments to do their work in the parliamentary group. “We simply hope that this is resolved as soon as possible and we can start working as soon as possible, because unfortunately we still have colleagues who cannot settle into work,” he concluded.

Coalition sources indicate that this situation is “childish” and “ridiculous”, given that its only objective is to carry out its parliamentary work and not get into controversies.

The Congress offices are not personal, but rather the Chamber assigns them to the parliamentary groups based on a distribution agreement that is closed at the beginning of each legislature. And when there are reliefs or changes from one group to another, time is given to evacuate them and carry out the move.