The PP spokesperson, Borja Sémper, has announced that the ‘popular’ will promote an investigative commission in the Senate on the so-called ‘Koldo case’ in response to the parliamentary investigation that the PSOE has raised in Congress, and they are studying carrying out this investigation also to the Parliaments of the autonomous communities involved, such as the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands.
This is how Sémper reacted in the traditional Monday press conference from Genoa to the announcement made by the PSOE to create in Congress an investigation commission into the purchase of masks during the pandemic.
In this context, the PP spokesperson has assured that he “does not trust at all” an investigative commission in an institution, “whose president is also supposedly affected by this plot”, and they will take advantage of their absolute majority in the Upper House to promote the parliamentary investigation in the Senate.
Likewise, the ‘popular’ are also studying creating investigative commissions in the parliaments of the communities involved in this investigation of Koldo García, former advisor to José Luís Ábalos, as Vox has already requested.