The Municipal Group of the PSOE in the Madrid City Council has filed a complaint, the third, with the Municipal Office against Fraud and Corruption after having received from the City Council a “mutilated” file on the works on the apartment of the regional president’s boyfriend, Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

According to the PSOE spokesperson in the City Council, Reyes Maroto, the right to information contained in the Plenary Regulations and the Local Regime Bases Law is being violated. “Repeatedly, in response to the requests for information that the Municipal Socialist Group makes to the municipal government in order to carry out a correct inspection and control of the activity carried out by the government, information is sent to us that is not always on time or sometimes does not arrive.”

“A turning point” has been the information requested about the reform works carried out by Alberto González Amador, partner of the regional president. “The file is mutilated, pages are missing, it is not paged and it hides data because it includes black pages,” they denounced.

According to the local PSOE, councilor Antonio Giraldo demanded access to the files completed or in progress relating to means of intervention, occupations on public roads, disciplinary and sanctions. “A work that we already know is irregular because it lacked a license but in which there are still details that are unknown,” Maroto justified.

From the Consistory, the socialist councilor was summoned “as a favor” to go to the municipal offices where the files are located to be able to consult them and also requested a copy of them. “These files are without pages, with names, addresses and other data hidden, with pages partially in black and absence of part of the formal content of this type of files, incompatible with what is understood as an administrative file in our current legislation, circumstance which is stated in the document that is passed to the signature after the viewing and delivery of a copy of the photocopy to which it had had access,” the PSOE states in its complaint.

All of this, according to Maroto, with the intention of hiding information in a “fraudulent” way. “A file that is mutilated, pages are missing, it is not paged and data is also hidden in a way that we believe is inappropriate for any administrative file with black pages. And this first represents a democratic fraud because what is being done with this censored information is prevent us from doing our control work with rigor and as socialists like when we are in the opposition,” he explained.

The PSOE considers that this is a case that “exceeds even the violation of the fundamental right” of the opposition to the right to information in the face of intentional concealment of data, which is why it has filed a complaint with the Municipal Office against Fraud and Corruption “in the face of very serious events” by violating a “fundamental right” such as the right to information and “to know how to supervise the Almeida government.”

In this sense, Maroto explained that the Office has been asked to let the Prosecutor’s Office know if there is fraud. Likewise, when it issues a report on these events, the Municipal Socialist Group will decide what measures to take. “With the Office’s report, we will certainly take the corresponding measures and I can tell you that if the report is favorable, we will certainly go and report it,” he stated.

“Mr. Almeida has to give explanations, he should have already given them on Monday when the media reported that the irregularities in the apartment where Mrs. Ayuso lives could have responded to an improvement in the intervention by the administration, but today the facts are, if possible, more serious because we are talking about a democratic fraud, an irregularity in the actions of a government that sides with alleged fraudsters,” Maroto stressed.

Likewise, he has criticized the attitude of the Chamberí District Board, the one in charge of overseeing this file, for not having sent any inspector to review the works. “There is also a lack of proactivity, there is a clear inaction and this is, once again, a way of operating on the part of Mr. Almeida, of protecting an individual when this is not done to the rest of the residents of Madrid,” he denounced.

“It is actually being violated because we do not know, we cannot do our work that is regulated by law. That is part of the work that the opposition has to do to control the legitimate government to which Mr. Almeida should be submitting with transparency. and that unfortunately what we have is an opacity and I believe that the explanations are insufficient and, above all, that there is also a much more political decision to assume responsibilities,” he concluded.