The former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont warned this Sunday that “the conditions are not set” by those who ask for help, but by those who give it.

He said this in a tweet collected by Europa Pres after the second vice president of the acting Government and leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, assured in an interview in ‘La Vanguardia’ that unilaterality “does not fit” in an amnesty agreement .

“I think someone is confused. It is not us who need support to go to the investiture,” Puigdemont recalled.

He has compared the investiture negotiation to going to ask for a loan from a bank: “You have every right to discuss the conditions and negotiate them, the only thing missing is. Like when you go to the bank to ask for a loan. You can negotiate if there is a waiting period and the interest rate they propose, for example”.

“But you can’t put conditions on it and ask them to waive interest charges. Well, if you want them to give you the credit, of course,” he added.