Madrid, June 20

The company from Cádiz receives the precious award granted by the well-known European Association of Industry, Technology and Innovation

The European Association of Industry, Technology and Innovation, awarded the European Prize for Innovation in Fashion, Culture and Education, to the prestigious entity Carpe Diem Training, at a gala dinner held in Madrid, at the Marriott Auditorium hotel. Carpe Diem Training, was born in the province of Cádiz in 2002, in order to train and train their students, they are clear that training is the future of people, so that they can improve their working life, but the best thing is that they create the human group, in the closeness with the Student, since the human warmth is the best to be able to understand the knowledge that is given in Carpe Diem, the first thing is to know the student so that he can receive and take advantage of the knowledge, all the students will feel at home a great family. In Carpe Diem Training they advocate continuous, permanent and increasingly specialized training for each and every one of their students. They are aware of the importance of continuous training in each individual and it is their mission to facilitate access to this knowledge to as many users as possible, for this they dedicate their work daily to the continuous improvement of each course, to listen to the concerns of their students and to promote interest in professional growth through training, hence they are clear ¨Your Training is your Future¨ They make available to students a wide variety of continuing education courses, each one structured to facilitate the student training process, in the online or distance modalities, and thus provide a comfortable learning experience with highly satisfactory results. They are very clear that with their contribution they provide the opportunity for each student to expand their possibilities of employment in case unemployed and seek an improvement in the qualification of those people who, even working, want to improve their professional profile and grow in the process of continuous improvement of their training. With the health courses with which points are obtained in the exams for the competitions -opposition, in recruitment exchanges, oppositions, interim positions and oppositions from all over the country. In Carpe Diem Training they have all the Baremables SAS Courses and Sanitary Courses that qualify in exchanges, oppositions, etc.. Students train comfortably from home and obtain your degree as quickly as possible with these accredited health courses valid for scholarships, competitive examinations, validation of university subjects, merits, curricular improvements, etc. Sonia Luna, director of training at Carpe Diem, received the award from the president of the Association European Industry, Technology and Innovation, Mr. Jordi Bentanachs. He was awarded the European Prize for Innovation in Fashion, Culture and Education, in the category “best online professional training center 2023”. The European Prize for Innovation in Fashion, Culture and Education, celebrates its III edition, and was established to give visibility to companies and professionals in fashion, culture and education, in all its facets, who have excelled in their technological and innovative advances. The European Association of Industry, Technology and innovation, known as AEITI, was founded in 2019, in order to help and support Spanish companies in their competitiveness in Europe and the world, despite the pandemic they have managed to move forward, on December 26, 2021, signed a mutual collaboration agreement with the Chinese Association, EU China, science, technology committee, in which the European Union and the Chinese government participate, based on the collaboration agreement signed in 2017 between the Chinese government and the EU. They have also signed a cultural and business collaboration agreement with the Miami Foundation, INSJ, an international network of social journalism, which is a reference Foundation in Florida. AEITI, has Mr. Jordi Bentanachs as president and Mrs. Rosa María Puentedura as vice-president, reputed Spanish businessmen, being honorary partners, the well-known journalist and politician D. Bernardo Rabassa and the renowned ophthalmologist from Málaga D. Manuel García Marcos.

Contact Contact name: EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF INDUSTRY, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION Contact telephone number: 686881665