-Green Digital Economy Platform launched to empower 62 million Indonesian farmers with artificial intelligence and technology

SEOUL, Korea, Sept. 13, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The official launch of the Green Digital Economy Platform (GDEP), an innovative international initiative, was announced today. The launch, supported by Dr. Moeldoko, Indonesia’s Presidential Chief of Staff, is an important step for Indonesia and Korea towards championing sustainability, fostering digital well-being and advancing the digital economy. The GDEP is spearheaded by HumanX, a global association promoting human-centered technology, in collaboration with the Maju Tani Movement in Indonesia and DQ Institute.

This launch follows the 24th ASEAN-Republic of Korea Summit held on September 6, 2023, in which an agreement was reached to promote the green and digital economy, science, technology and innovation, and neutrality of carbon in the region.

GDEP is a business collaboration platform that aligns the digital economy and sustainability by pioneering the “cross economy” model, extending beyond the traditional “circular economy” framework. By leveraging Korea’s technological advancements, Indonesia’s vast market and resources, and global research and development and investment, GDEP is poised to drive transformative digital innovations in agritech, climate tech, and carbon trading. The multifaceted impacts on the digital economy and sustainability will be monitored through the Digital-ESG Index, led by the Working Group on Digital-Related Financial Disclosure.

Dr. Moeldoko stated, “Through GDEP, we aim to empower 62 million Indonesian farmers with AI and digital transformation, positioning Indonesia as a global leader in agritech innovation.” He emphasized the importance of sustainability and the digital economy, particularly when addressing food security. Dr. Moeldoko, who is also President of the Indonesian Farmers Association (HKTI), has recently become the “Father of the Indonesian Maju-Tani Movement”. This grassroots movement, led by Indonesia’s young generation, aims to transform traditional agriculture into a highly profitable agritech sector.

North Kalimantan, Indonesia, has been designated as a testing ground for the platform, playing a crucial role as a national and global hub for knowledge dissemination. Through GDEP, farmers will receive digital literacy and digital skills training while gaining access to cutting-edge practices and technologies, including meta-agriculture.

Dr. Yuhyun Park, Founder of HumanX and DQ Institute, said, “Our goal is to establish an innovative collaboration platform that enables Indonesian farmers to experience significant triple economic benefits by integrating digitalization and participating in carbon trading. , thus substantially expanding their sources of income”.

Dr. Kim Sang-Hyup, Chairman of the Presidential Commission on Carbon Neutrality and Green Growth, which he co-chairs with Han Duck-Soo, Prime Minister of Korea, said: “Indonesia is an important strategic partner of Korea. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic partnership, both countries need to forge concrete economic collaborations to collectively pursue carbon neutrality and digital innovation, boosting the green economy. Therefore, this collaboration has important significance.”

Our goal is to establish an innovative collaboration platform that empowers Indonesia

The GDEP will engage a broad network of multiple stakeholders in both countries to turn vision into reality, fostering a landscape conducive to innovation and sustainable growth. Investment in the platform is expected to exceed $1 billion.

For media inquiries, contact:

Eris Seah

About the Green Digital Economy Platform (GDEP)

The GDEP aims to establish an innovation ecosystem that connects Korean and Indonesian companies with international R&D partners and investors. Its overall mission is to champion sustainability, foster digital well-being, and advance the digital economy, based on the following three pillars:

About HumanX

HumanX is a global association of academic, business and investment communities that are committed to advancing human-centered AI and technology. Initiated by DQ Institute with the aim of revolutionizing the global landscape of AI and technology innovation and investment, guided by the principles of Digital-ESG (DESG) standards. HumanX cultivates a strong ecosystem by fostering strategic collaborations between investors, innovators and conscious partners through three pillars: setting standards, investing funds and monitoring impact.

More information: https://humanx.global/; https://www.dqinstitute.org/

About Maju Tani Movement

The Maju Tani Movement is a grassroots movement to transform traditional agriculture with digitalization while promoting sustainability. He first proposed the concept of Meta Farming, where everyone can become a farmer even without land by connecting agriculture with digital technology. The main objective of the Maju Tani Movement is to inspire the young generation to become farmers and at the same time promote agrotechnology.

More information: www.MajuTani.id, 24-hour chat: 62 811-1062-007

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View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/plataforma-de-economia-digital-verde-para-empoderar-a-los-agricultores-indonesios-con-ia-y-tecnologia-301926741.html