(Information sent by the signatory company)

Madrid, May 24, 2024.-

The success of the subsidy proposed by the Government of Spain in 2022, the Digital Kit, has meant that another step has been taken so that companies can continue growing towards an online environment.

On this occasion, with the Consulting Kit, they will be able to hire consulting services in the digital field. To obtain this subsidy, companies must contact approved digital advisors, such as Digital Nature, with more than 200 projects carried out as digitizing agents.

This new aid program is aimed at companies with between 10 and 250 employees.

 The Consulting Kit focuses on offering advice and guidance without the commitment to hire specific applications or tools. Approved digital advisors will be in charge of sharing their professional experience in various areas where assistance is required, with a strategic and personalized approach.

Why doesn’t an online store sell? Is it invisible to the Internet? Is it difficult to start a new project? The answers to these questions can be answered thanks to the Consulting Kit, since with this expert help you can obtain advice for:

Boost Internet presence

Get strategies to sell online

Receive advice from online commerce

The Consulting Kit seeks to promote digital transformation and increase the competitiveness of small and medium-sized companies by providing them with help in the form of knowledge to adopt advanced technologies. To this end, companies that request it and approve the subsidy will be eligible for advice from:

Kit Consulting subsidies vary depending on the size of the company:

For companies with between 10 and less than 50 employees, they can receive up to €12,000.

For companies with between 50 and 99 employees, they can receive up to €18,000.

For companies with between 100 and less than 250 employees, they can receive up to €24,000.

Initially, this program is aimed at small and medium-sized companies, ranging from those with between 10 and 49 employees to those with a workforce of 50 to 250 workers.

To apply for the Consulting Kit, companies must meet several requirements: have a minimum seniority specified in the call, not be in a crisis situation, stay up to date with tax and Social Security obligations, and not exceed the minimum aid limit. established.

When you are going to request the Consulting Kit, the first step is to contact an approved digital advisor, such as Digital Nature. It will then be when the company receives comprehensive assistance in the preparation and presentation of aid in a personalized and specialized manner in each case.

Thus, a digital advisor will begin to execute the solution in the time necessary for everything to work correctly and, after providing the service that the company has requested, will present the documentation to justify the choice that the company has chosen.

The Consulting Kit has arrived to improve the online presence and optimize all the processes of a company. It is, in short, the boost to the digital transformation that every company needs. 

Issuer: Digital Nature

Contact: Journalistic Office

Contact email: comunicados@prensaymedios.com