CÁDIZ, Spain, May 25, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Today NTC, an international pharmaceutical company with operations also in Spain headquartered in Madrid, together with Medicontur, specialized in the development and manufacturing of high-precision IOL systems, and Central Ocular, a reference center in ophthalmic surgery based in Madrid, inaugurated a special work meeting dedicated to young ophthalmologists.

Dr. David Antolín, event director, ophthalmologist surgeon and founder of Central Ocular, said: “A career in ophthalmology can have many different paths and it is important to give young people the opportunity to learn about the different options. Thanks to the contribution and experience From a wide range of professionals in the field of ophthalmology, law, research or business, this event aims to provide an overview of the different possible career paths for an ophthalmologist, and some of the pearls and pitfalls of the subspecialties, business, economic or scientific careers that a young ophthalmologist often lacks.”

The three-day encounter course includes training sessions on the different careers that an ophthalmologist can choose from, including subspecialty summaries, legal, tax and business advice, research, entrepreneurship, national and international training options and analysis of the medical environment. Spanish public and private

“We set up this work meeting to contribute to the professional career of the participants” said Pedro Zorita, general director of NTC in Spain, “NTC’s vocation towards RD and evidence-based medicine is embedded in our pragmatic and proactive approach who always inspires us.”

The result of this approach is an event where ophthalmologists with different experiences (public medicine, private medicine, business), and non-ophthalmologist speakers will try to give a broad vision of the different career variants and disciplines or skills that will have to be acquired or hired to carry out a personal project related to the practice of Ophthalmology.

“Companies that operate in ophthalmology can play an important role in the development of the new generations of professionals, and they have a responsibility in this regard,” said Miguel Ángel Isabel, CEO of Medicontur in Spain. “Innovation, safety and cutting-edge technology are the drivers of the future and the next generations must be prepared and trained to play their part.”

Connecting industry and healthcare professionals is crucial for good healthcare and contributes to medical progress; Today you will help young people to consciously shape their future.

About NTC Pharma

NTC Ophthalmics Iberica (NTC Spain) is the Spanish subsidiary of NTC Srl, a science-driven international pharmaceutical company dedicated to the research, development, registration and commercialization of drugs, medical devices and food supplements mainly in ophthalmology.

Established in 2019 in Spain, the company markets an attractive portfolio of products with a strong commercial structure, supporting KOLs and ophthalmologists in Spain on available scientific solutions to ultimately support the best possible care practice for patients, ensuring scientific rigor. and personalized treatments to achieve a higher level of patient satisfaction and compliance.

For more information, visit https://ntcespana.es/

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View original content: https://www.prnewswire.com/es/comunicados-de-prensa/ntc-pharma-formando-el-futuro-jovenes-oftalmologos-se-dan-cita-en-zahara-301830556.html