The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, has denied that there have been Russian attacks on Romanian territory, despite Kiev’s complaints, but has warned that he is concerned because the attacks are taking place near the border.

“There was no item, no drone, no other part of a device that reached Romania,” the president said after Ukrainian authorities insisted they had proof that Russian drones had reached the territory.

Iohannis has assured that he has “total control” over the situation: “I have reviewed absolutely everything and I can reassure the population. Nothing has reached Romania. But yes, we are concerned because these attacks take place very close to the Romanian border ” , has explained.

In this sense, he has qualified that this same Tuesday there have been attacks about 800 meters from the border. “However, we are alert and within NATO, we are very well defended,” he asserted, according to the newspaper ‘Libertatea’.

The Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Dimitri Kuleba, stated the day before that his government has photographs showing the fall of Russian drones on Romanian territory, stressing that “it makes no sense to deny it”, referring to the statements of the Romanian authorities.

Kuleba’s spokesman, Oleg Nikolenko, was the one who first raised the alarm, assuring that part of the drones used to bomb the Ukrainian region of Odessa had fallen on the other side of the border, in Romania. But shortly after, the Romanian Ministry of Defense responded to this information to “categorically” deny it, clarifying that there had been no threat to national sovereignty.

Romania is part of NATO, so its territory theoretically enjoys the protection of all the member states of the Alliance. In fact, each country has the right to invoke the collective defense clause if they consider that they are under some kind of threat.