MADRID, 4 (EUROPA PRESS) – Russia has denounced a drone attack against an oil refinery in Ilski, in the Krasnodar region, in the southwest of the country, which caused a large fire early Thursday morning.

As detailed by the Russian agency TASS, citing internal government sources, the fire was caused “by an attack by an unknown drone.” They have also reported that the Fire Department has intervened and the fire has already been declared extinct.

Hours later, the governor of the Rostov region, in the southwest of the country and very close to the border with Ukraine, has denounced another impact of an unmanned vehicle at a petroleum products plant, this time in Novoshajtinsk.

Through his Telegram channel, Governor Vasili Golubev explained that the drone exploded when it crashed into an overpass between two workshops inside the plant, causing a fire that has already been extinguished, leaving no injuries and causing “insignificant” damage. “to the structure.

These fires occur one day after another fire caused by the crash of a drone on a train carrying petroleum-derived materials as it passed through the town of Volna, in the south.