The Council of Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods of the city of Seville presented this Saturday in the assembly hall of the Caja Rural del Sur Foundation the poster for Holy Week 2024, the work of Salustiano. A work that, in the purest style of this prestigious painter, evokes the Resurrection of Christ, reflecting “the luminous part of Holy Week”, according to the author, and which has been presented inserted in a light box.

“When I was asked to create the Holy Week poster, I was tempted to represent Jesus Christ recumbent, but I quickly discarded that idea. I realized that my work had always been positioned on the most serene and enlightened side of life and things,” said the poster artist after discovering the work, the Council of Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods reports in a press release.

A painting that also has a very personal meaning for Salustiano. “I was twelve years old when my brother died. My mother asked me to go into the room where his body rested to say goodbye to him. I was terrified, but when I saw his face and the serene gesture of his hands crossed over his chest, I was shocked. shuddered. How could a recumbent body contain so much beauty!” This particular evocation of the Risen Christ, in some way, “would serve to confirm the resurrection of my brother’s memory.”

Following his artistic line, Salustiano shows us his particular reminiscence of the most sublime Renaissance, in which the flat single-color background dazzles, in a resounding red, known as “Salustiano red.” His son Horacio has served as a model to execute this work. In the words of the author, “My Christ looks young and beautiful. Young, as a metaphor for purity: this is how the Virgin Mary has been shown in the history of art, almost like a teenager. And beautiful because, I refer to Plato, beauty and goodness are the same thing.

Within the poster there are two very representative elements of Holy Week in Seville: the cloth of the Christ of the Expiration of the Brotherhood of the Puppy and the powers of the Christ of Love. “I would have loved to include in the poster a tribute to all the Brotherhoods of the city, but I have only been able to evoke two of them,” the painter qualifies.

The headquarters of the Caja Rural del Sur Foundation, a collaborating entity in the creation of the Holy Week poster, has been the exceptional setting for this event in which the president of the Council of Brotherhoods, Francisco Vélez, has participated. de Luna, the president of the Caja Rural del Sur Foundation, José Luis García-Palacios, and the mayor of Seville, José Luis Sanz. In addition, the presentation of the poster this year was carried out by the vice president of the Council of Brotherhoods, José Roda Peña.

Salustiano’s Holy Week poster has been presented to a full auditorium. In addition, it has been possible to follow live through the YouTube channel of the Council of Brotherhoods, at the following link: ‘’.

Born in Villaverde del Río (Seville) in 1965, Salustiano graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Seville.

As the Stoa gallery explains on its website, “Salustiano is a Sevillian painter, a master of the figurative field, who has deserved international recognition. His works, striking portraits, stand out for their brilliant execution technique and that fine elegance that only The classics achieve it. When contemplating his work, the most sublime reminiscence of the Renaissance is unmistakable, with a composition of 19th century invocation, in which the flat monocolor backgrounds dazzle, in a resounding red, the ‘Salustian red’, or a black iridescent, achieved from natural pigments that saturate that background and overflow it, infecting the clothes.

“This manages to isolate the figures, mostly torsos, obtaining an effect of superlative three-dimensionality, like a break from the glory of the 21st century. In this way, his figures become iconographic types of our time, becoming the paradigm of a new neo-renaissance of resounding contemporaneity”, concludes Stoa.

Among the numerous recognitions he has received, the Focus-Abengoa Painting Prize and the National Plastic Arts Prize from the Rafael Botí Foundation stand out.

Salustiano currently works with galleries in New York, Miami, Munich, Paris, Florence, Dusseldorf, Palm Beach, Holland, Mexico City, Santiago de Chile, Maryland, Seoul, Sun Valley (Idaho), Berlin, Hamburg, Tel Aviv and Nuremberg.

Since 1994, Salustiano has shown his works in various cities in Spain, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, China, South Korea, Denmark, United States, France, Hong Kong, Italy, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Mexico, Netherlands, Peru, Portugal, United Kingdom, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan and Turkey.

“Beautiful, disturbing and profound. This is the painting of this Spaniard that circulates in galleries and fairs around the world, giving a twist to the tradition of portraiture with images in red where he fuses Renaissance rigor and mathematical perfection.” This is how the American journalist Sandra Lodos defines Salustiano’s work.