He sees it as “irrational” that the PP does not support initiatives such as the Land Law


The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, criticized this Friday that the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, is open to understanding and agreeing with Fratelli d’Italia, the party of the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni: “It is very serious.”

This was stated in the closing session of the 39th Meeting of the Economic Circle after Feijóo assured that Meloni’s party did not seem comparable to other parties that are considered extreme right in Europe and added that he would be very attentive — textually– to their approaches.

Sánchez has reproached the popular leader for opening himself up to “agreeing with Vox’s allies in Spain.” “In the European Vox there is not only President Meloni, but also Éric Zémmour in France or the Swedish extreme right, or someone against whom Prime Minister Donald Tusk fights in Poland: the Justice party. It is absolutely incompatible with the negotiation approach that European social democracy has,” he warned.

He has also warned of the difficulty of agreeing with these groups on priority issues on the European agenda such as ecological transition, the fight against climate change and foreign policy.

“We have a lot at stake. What we did not want for Spain, we do not want for Europe,” concluded Sánchez, who trusts that good sense will prevail – in his words – starting on June 10, the day after the European elections. .

After claiming his desire for a pact also in Spain, Sánchez described it as “irrational” that the PP has opposed supporting certain initiatives throughout the legislature.

“Is it rational for a political party that aspires to govern to vote against the revaluation of pensions?” asked Sánchez, who also highlighted the fact that they did not finally vote in favor of the Land Law and that they did not support it at the time. labor reform.

In his opinion, the conservative sphere has renounced legitimate independence, the necessary competition and debate of ideas and political proposals, to focus “on the destruction of the political adversary.”

“The political adversary is dehumanized, he is told that everything he does is self-interest to stay in the chair and he is turned into public enemy number 1. Of course, if public enemy number 1 is the president of the Government, is he How are you going to agree with him? In the end you end up being a hostage and victim of your own dogmatism,” he summarized.

Despite ensuring that his party would want agreements, he has confirmed that one of the pending reforms is that of the judiciary: “But the concrete reality is that right now what we have is a traditional right that has chosen to govern with the extreme right, Spanish and European, and therefore try to stigmatize and dehumanize.