He says that it will be done “bilaterally” with the Government and also “multilaterally” within the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council.


The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has committed this Friday to working in the next legislature in Catalonia for “greater and better” financing that complies with the principles established in the Statute and validated by the Constitutional Court.

At the closing of the 39th Meeting of the Cercle d’Economia in Barcelona, ​​he defended that this is the Government’s proposal before the legislature that begins after the 12M elections, which the PSC candidate, Salvador Illa, won.

He has literally stated that this greater and better financing also aims to fulfill the commitments made and redouble investment in infrastructure, to leave “sterile years” behind.

Sánchez considers that the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia already contemplates “many levers to improve self-government with more economic resources” and that is what the Central Government will do, as he has indicated.

Furthermore, regarding the way in which this negotiation is going to be carried out, he points out that it will be done “bilaterally” with the new Catalan administration and also “multilaterally” within the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council.