The President of the Government and PSOE candidate for the general elections on July 23, Pedro Sánchez, has reproached the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, for his predictions about the situation in Catalonia in the event that the right wing governs and has asked not to return to the worst moments in Spain.

This same Tuesday, Abascal assured that he expects “situations worse than in 2017” in Catalonia, alluding to the illegal referendum on October 1, if his party and the PP govern in coalition after the July 23 elections. He stated so at an informative breakfast organized by Europa Press.

“But how is it possible that we have heard Abascal say that what is going to happen in Catalonia if they govern with the Popular Party is going to be even worse than what happened in 2017,” he questioned.

He then stated that Spain is much better than Abascal and the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo and that is why they are going to win the general elections. “Because Spain has to look forward and not recover its worst moments”, he pointed out.

Sánchez made these statements at a campaign rally in San Sebastián before 1,300 socialist sympathizers and in which the leader of the Basque socialists, Eneko Andueza, also participated.

Sánchez has pointed out that when Spain has had to choose, it has always chosen to go forward and move forward “as we say in our campaign motto” and never go back, he has warned.

The Vox leader was questioned about whether tensions could resurface in Catalonia in the event that an Executive made up of PP and Vox governs.

Abascal affirmed that he has no doubts that these tensions will return and, regarding whether a situation similar to that of 2017 could occur, he assured that they could be “worse”. “I have no doubt,” she stressed.