The Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration will address this Monday afternoon with social agents, among other issues, the compatibility of work and pension in one of the meetings that the Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Elma Saiz, assured that will be produced weekly with unions and employers.

“We have a regulation that has been subject to a profound reform throughout the last legislature, a regulation relating to access to the pension system, but there is an aspect that has been left pending, an aspect, within the secondary set, but that since then it is important and has a very relevant future projection,” highlighted the Secretary of State for Social Security and Pensions, Borja Suárez, regarding the compatibility of work and pension during the last press conference on unemployment data and the affiliation of January.

This issue is already being studied by the Government, unions and employers, as the head of Social Security recalled in her appearance in Congress to explain the general lines of her department in this legislature last Wednesday.

Along these lines, Suárez recalled that in the coming decades there will be many workers who will retire, so it is “important” to have a regime or legal regulation that allows “a better fit for the activity and the status of pensioner.”

“In a certain sense, in some aspects, I believe that the regulation we have is a regulation that is surely very anchored in the 20th century and what needs to be done is to give it a twist,” stressed the Secretary of State for Social Security and Pensions.

For this reason, Suárez has stated that they will sit down with UGT, CCOO, CEOE and Cepyme this Monday afternoon to find formulas that are “attractive” for all workers and companies in relation to the compatibility between pension and work.

For her part, the head of Social Security defended partial retirement last Wednesday in Congress because “there are workers who want to continue working beyond the ordinary age.”

On the other hand, Minister Saiz confirmed that the Government is going to study allowing the simultaneous collection of non-contributory pensions and minimum insertion income. “It is a topic that can be perfectly studied,” Saiz also assured during her appearance in Congress.