(Information sent by the signatory company)

Madrid, May 24, 2024.-

The international community celebrates Caves and Underground World Day on June 6. A date that demands recognition of underground nature for its importance in the historical, cultural, geological and, of course, animal spheres. 

June 6 is the International Day of Caves and the Underground World. A date promoted by the main agents and entities around Tourist Caves and Mines that has been celebrated since 2016 at a global level.

Among them, the International Show Caves Association stands out, at the global level, and the Association of Spanish Tourist Caves, at the national level. In total, more than 30 countries join this initiative, including Austria, France, Portugal, the United States and Brazil. 

The main objective is the celebration of an international day to commemorate the importance of the Underground World in areas as important as Geology and History. A day in which, in addition, the Caves and Tourist Mines of both hemispheres are open and that allows, on an international basis, to get closer to a hidden nature that is essential for life on the planet.  

The International Day of Caves and the Underground World aims to formalize this date by UNESCO based on these fundamental reasons:

The Underground World is home to 30% of the planet’s fresh water, essential for life. 

The Caves are home to unique geological and mineral formations in the world, as well as the habitat of animals in danger of extinction. 

These spaces collect the animal, geological and human history of millions of years, being a unique source of information for Archaeology. 

The Tourist Caves and Mines promote sustainable and conscious Tourism, which also allows the development of the rural economy based on the generation of employment and maximum respect for underground nature. 

In 2024, the International Day of Caves and the Underground World will also be celebrated in a special way. 

On March 12, 2024, one more step was taken towards the official promulgation of this date. Following the proposal of the Association of Spanish Tourist Caves to the main political parties of our country, the Non-Law Proposal was signed unanimously “to urge the Government to request UNESCO to declare June 6 as World Cave Day. of the Caves and the Underground World”.

In this way, in the official document, it is established that “The Congress of Deputies urges the Government to promote and propose to UNESCO the initiative to declare June 6 as World Day of Caves and the Underground World, as a way to “the preservation and dissemination of its importance at a global level and allowing the development of the rural areas of our country and the generation of employment and economic activity in natural environments, ensuring the correct exploitation of the cavities.”

Through the Industry and Tourism Commission, this achievement has been achieved in the fight for the formalization of an International Day of Caves and the Underground World. 

About ACT

The Association of Tourist Caves is a non-profit entity, made up of 34 Tourist Caves and Mines in our country, spread throughout the national territory. Among the objectives set by ACTE, the dissemination and conservation of the underground world stands out, together with the economic development of rural areas, always from the balance that Sustainable Tourism represents. 

ACTE carries out, throughout the year, both activities aimed at publicizing its Caves and Mines, as well as training professionals in tourism excellence. 

Issuer: Association of Spanish Tourist Caves

Contact: Journalistic Office

Contact email: comunicados@prensaymedios.com