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Madrid, May 24, 2024.-

The Code of Good Practices is a tool contemplated in the Spanish legal framework, which was approved by Royal Decree-Law 6/2012, of March 9. This regulation has been modified to expand the threshold of those people who can benefit from its measures through Royal Decree-Law 19/2022, of November 22. This mechanism was born with the aim of helping citizens who have difficulties paying the monthly mortgage payments on their primary home. However, although this instrument has existed for more than ten years, many people who could benefit from it have not done so due to lack of knowledge of the conditions that must be met and the steps to follow in order to obtain a reduction in monthly payments. In order to facilitate access to accurate information in this regard, lawyers and economists, Fina Salazar and Cristian Tanase, recently launched the platform codigobuenaspracticas.es. In it, mortgagors can find out quickly and easily if they meet the requirements to benefit from the code.

The founders of codigobuenaspracticas.es explain that their legal platform is designed so that those who have a mortgage can know in depth what the requirements are, the steps to follow and the necessary documentation to be able to request a reduction in the fee. To do this, the website has a simulator in which you only need to answer a series of simple questions. From there it can be determined whether, in fact, the person can or cannot rely on the Code of Good Practices.

Through the simulator you can not only check whether the debtor meets the conditions to obtain a reduction in the mortgage payment, but you can also obtain the necessary documentation to send the request to the bank. Additionally, the platform offers the option of hiring one of its lawyers to be in charge of submitting the request to the corresponding financial entity and following up on the process in a timely manner.

It is important to mention that the creation of the codigobuenaspracticas.es platform arose in response to a real need, detected by the founders during their professional practice. In this regard, Fina Salazar and Cristian Tanase report that they witnessed that many families with serious difficulties paying the mortgage were left out of the Second Chance Law. For this reason, they decided to offer a practical and useful tool so that people know if they have the option of availing themselves of government help to pay their mortgages.

Finally, it is worth noting that according to the Bank of Spain, there are more than 750,000 mortgages with variable interest in the country. This means that this number of families constantly suffer from the rise in the Euribor. Therefore, the practicality and usefulness of the tool designed by these lawyers promises to offer a vital service for thousands of people who are under a lot of pressure due to their mortgage debt.


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