The authorities of Taiwan have raised this Thursday to more than a thousand the provisional number of injuries caused by Wednesday’s earthquake, the most powerful recorded on the island in the last 25 years, although it is not ruled out that the number of victims will increase, since Some 140 people would still be trapped in different areas.

The Government maintains the death toll from the tremors at nine, all of them corresponding to Hualien county, the epicenter of the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that was also felt in other countries in the area, even causing tsunami warnings.

The emergency services continue with rescue activities and have managed to save a group of six miners, although in only one other site there were more than 60 people trapped. The list of blocked people is completed with victims in mountain areas or in vehicles inside tunnels, among other damage.

Hundreds of homes continued to have electricity supply problems this Thursday, while transportation is slowly beginning to recover part of the lost normality, thanks largely to the resumption of rail traffic, reports the Taiwanese agency CNA.

The earthquake was also felt in industrial activity, with plants paralyzed as a precaution. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSMC), one of the world’s largest microchip manufacturers and supplier to Apple and Nvidia, has reactivated 70 percent of its equipment after a total shutdown.