He assures that the PSOE is “tremendously nervous” because “it knows that in the street it has lost social support” for what it is doing


The spokesperson for the Popular Group in Congress, Miguel Tellado, assured this Sunday that the first vice president and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, is not “concerned” about his baldness but rather that he “doesn’t mince words” and is going to “stand up” to the Executive of Pedro Sánchez. Furthermore, he has attributed the minister’s statements to the fact that the PSOE “is tremendously nervous because it knows that it has lost social support in the streets.”

This is how he spoke on the second day of the XXVI Interparliamentary Meeting that the PP is holding in Ourense, after Montero referred to him this Saturday as “this man you have sent to Madrid, the one with the glasses.” “Well, they both have glasses,” he added in reference to Alberto Núñez Feijóo, “the one with less hair, Miguel Tellado,” he added. This Saturday, some PP members raised their glasses during the event as a sign of support for Tellado.

At the start of his speech, the PP parliamentary spokesperson thanked “the fan club” that Vice President Montero has organized for him. “I want to send you a message on behalf of that 40% of men who are bald, of that more than 40% of the Spanish population that has vision problems,” he exclaimed, adding that the issue is “serious” because making “mockery” “, “mocking” or “laughing at people because of their personal image causes harm to many people.”

After ensuring that the minister’s attitude “has been frankly childish,” Tellado has stressed that “to discredit someone you do not have to refer to their physique” because you should not “judge anyone by their personal appearance.”

“No one is more than anyone and no one is less than anyone. But when someone has that internalized, like a first vice president of the government, it is a tremendously serious situation. I believe that Vice President Montero is not worried that I have no hair on my face. head, what worries you is that I don’t mince my words,” he stated, to warn that the PP is going to “stand up” from the opposition to a Government that “has become a problem for the country.”

Thus, he stressed that Montero knows that the PSOE lost the elections in July, an appointment with the polls that the PP won, which represents “a large majority of Spaniards who are not a fool” and who is against what that is happening in Spain because Sánchez “has bought the investiture” and “is delivering the rule of law.”

“The PSOE is very nervous, it is tremendously nervous because it knows that in the street it has lost social support. The Spaniards do not agree with the Government attacking an essential principle in a democracy such as the equality of Spaniards and “especially equality before the law,” he stated, adding that Spaniards “are against the government attacking the rule of law and the separation of powers.”

In the middle of the pre-campaign for the Galician elections, Tellado has stated that in the February 18 elections a message can be sent to all of Spain, since, in his opinion, an “absolute” and “incontestable” majority is needed for Alfonso Rueda to continue governing. will demonstrate that in Spain “there is another way of governing.”

What’s more, he has said that this victory of the PP in Galicia will mean “shielding Galicia from the instability that the entire country is experiencing.” “Galicia is an example of good government focused on people’s problems, which is dedicated to serving citizens and treating them equally, and in light of that, what we have in Spain is a government that markets public policies to maintain itself for as long as possible. possible on the armchairs and on the carpets, in Moncloa,” he said.

For this reason, Tellado has demanded that Galicians vote with Galicia in mind and has highlighted that the agreement signed by the leader of the BNG, Ana Pontón, and the Socialist Party has remained a “weak paper” because “absolutely nothing has been fulfilled.”

For her part, the spokesperson for the Popular Group in the Senate, Alicia García, has assured that the Senate – where the ‘popular’ have an absolute majority – must be opened wide to the Spanish to turn it into the Chamber of the ” hope”. “Spanish people have to know that they are not condemned to a PSOE government permanently giving in to the independentists,” she said.

García has indicated that his “alternative” will be expressed by the PP in the Senate, where citizens will be able to see that another government is possible. “In the face of the transfers to Puigdemont, the Feijóo laws will defend the interests of the Spanish people,” he stressed.

Finally, the spokesperson for the ‘popular’ in the Upper House has announced that the first ordinary plenary session will be a Galician plenary session in which some of Galicia’s demands will be debated that, as she has said, Sánchez has not addressed these years.