Vox and PP will try to lead the constitutionalist right and Cs will continue in the Parliament


The electoral campaign for the Catalan elections comes to an end this Friday with the PSC candidate, Salvador Illa, leading all the polls and with a Junts-ERC struggle to lead the independence space, although the majority of polls give an advantage to the candidacy of Carles Puigdemont.

In the final stretch, Illa has tried to remain a favorite and focused the criticism of the rest of the candidates in the debates, to which he responded by announcing two signings if he governs: Núria Parlon as Minister of the Interior and the former chief commissioner of the Mossos Josep Lluís Trapero as general director of the Catalan police.

The president of the Generalitat and candidate for re-election, Pere Aragonès, has not completely closed the door to post-electoral pacts with PSC and Junts but insists that “the important thing is not who, but to do what”, and has tried to mobilize the vote of the undecided to overthrow the polls, which predict a decrease of up to 10 deputies (now they have 33).

Puigdemont has also appealed to the vote, especially of undecided and abstentionists, with the aim of staying ahead of ERC, getting closer to Illa and even snatching victory from her: “When we have missions in front of us that they tell us are impossible, we mobilize to win them” .

The CUP candidate, Laia Estrada, prioritizes pacts with ERC, Junts and Comuns after May 12 but has hardened her tone against Junts, whom she accuses of sharing an agenda with the PSC, and, in the final stretch of the campaign, she has detailed a of its star measures: 4,000 million euros per year of investment in housing.

Jéssica Albiach (Comuns Sumar) has made it clear that she will not agree with Junts, she has accused the PSC of wanting to “replace Convergència” and has insisted on criticizing that the possibility of the Hard Rock project in Tarragona is still being considered.

On the part of the PP, prominent leaders have disembarked repeatedly this week to support the candidate, Alejandro Fernández, and tour the territory, such as Alberto Núñez Feijóo himself and the regional presidents Isabel Díaz Ayuso, Alfonso Rueda and Juanma Moreno, to warn that Illa he is just as “separatist” as Aragonès and Puigdemont.

The Vox candidate, Ignacio Garriga, has been accompanied this week by the leader, Santiago Abascal, who has deployed his speech against illegal immigration in municipalities with high percentages of immigrants, such as Salt (Girona), and has blamed the PSC for ” “start” the independence process since the former socialist presidents Pasqual Maragall and José Montilla.

The Cs candidate, Carlos Carrizosa, said this week that it was a mistake to send to Congress the former leader of the party in Catalonia, Inés Arrimadas, because “many people felt abandoned”, and he hopes to beat the polls, which leave him outside the Parliament, appealing to the vote of abstentionists and those disenchanted with the PP and PSC.

Furthermore, this week PSC and Junts have joined the commitment already signed by ERC, Comuns and the CUP to not agree with Vox or with Aliança Catalana after the Catalan elections, with the aim of combating “racism and the extreme right” before and after the elections.

According to the document, both Vox and Aliança Catalana (AC) represent “a serious added threat to the rights of almost everyone”, whatever they think about the independence of Catalonia, and their presence in the institutions only serves to undermine democracy. , verbatim.