The Borkum ship has decided to suspend its stopover at the Port of Cartagena, heading to the Slovenian port from which it will transfer its merchandise to the Czech Republic, as communicated to the Maritime Captaincy and sources from the Ministry of Transport have confirmed to Europa Press.

The same sources have explained that the ship’s owner, German although flying the flag of Antigua and Barbuda, has made the decision “despite the fact that he had all the ship’s documentation in order and, therefore, he did not have any type of problem to access the Port of Cartagena”.

Precisely, this Tuesday the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation denied authorization for another ship transporting weapons destined for Israel to make a stopover and will not allow other vessels in these same circumstances to call at Spanish ports.

The controversy aroused by the stopover at the port of Cartagena of the freighter ‘Borkum’ occurred after an NGO reported that it was transporting a load of weapons with a final destination to Israel.

Sumar and Podemos have asked for explanations from the Government which, through the information contained in the cargo ship’s documentation, assured that it was not heading “in any case” to Israel and was destined for the Czech Republic. The merchandise detailed is made up of 24 containers of magazines for weapons with explosive charges and 8 containers of trinitrotoluene cartridges.