The preliminary report of the European Parliament mission to Spain to study the Law of ‘only if it is if’ calls for an “urgent change” to the norm, citing the “social alarm” generated, while also showing concern due to the effects of the Trans Law. The visit of the MEPs took place before Parliament approved the reform of the norm, promoted by the PSOE, and which has already entered into force.

This is stated in the document prepared by the head of the mission, the Polish ‘popular’ Elzbieta Lukacijewska, to which Europa Press has had access and in which she describes the activity of the mission that was able to listen to the practical experience of women victims of violence of gender and the opinion of members of the Government and the judiciary.

“The result of the mission reported that an urgent change to the Law of only yes is yes is necessary after its unwanted effects and the social alarm that it created in Spain. Concern was also expressed about the effects of the application of the trans law” , state the conclusions of the report.

In any case, a period of amendments to the draft is now open in which the different parliamentary groups will be able to introduce changes to the report, which will be voted on as a whole in committee on the 24th.

The text written by Lukacijewska includes the details of the meeting with the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, of whom she says that “she recognized her concern about the reduction of sentences and the risk of returning to the system that existed before the approval of the law “.

On the subsequent discussion with MEP members of the mission, the report underlines that the head of the mission stated that “attacking judges is not the way” to deal with the unintended consequences of the legislation, with deputies denouncing “a possible attack to democracy.” While other parliamentarians highlighted the new Spanish legislation as “a benchmark for its recognition of the indispensability of consent.”

Last February, the Women’s Rights Committee of the European Parliament carried out a mission to Spain, where it met with civil society associations, judges, prosecutors and government ministers. At the conclusion of the visit, Lukacijewska asked that a “good solution” be found to the “possible problems” generated by the Law of ‘only yes is yes’.