He responds to Puigdemont that “it doesn’t work”, after he said that he can be president without being the most voted, just like Sánchez

The Government is convinced that it will be able to exhaust the legislature and maintain the support that sustains it in the Congress of Deputies and that there will also be a Government led by Salvador Illa in Catalonia, after the elections on Sunday that gave a resounding victory to the PSC.

The Government spokesperson and Minister of Education, Vocational Training and Sports, Pilar Alegría, has expressed herself in this sense when questioned about the result of the Catalan elections and their possible effects on the governability of the State, given that the PSOE maintains its majority. thanks to the support of ERC and Junts.

“I have no doubt that there will be a Government in Catalonia that will respond to the request of the Catalans to open a new stage and above all that this legislature has at least three years left,” Alegría remarked, rejecting that there is any risk. for the viability of the Government or that the pro-independence parties can withdraw their support in the Congress of Deputies.

In this sense, Government sources point out that they are convinced that there will be a Government in Catalonia and it will be led by the PSC candidate, Salvador Illa, who won 42 seats, seven more than Junts.

The spokesperson has also responded to the former president of Catalonia and Junts candidate, Carles Puigdemont, who has run for the investiture and has tried to defend that he can gain a majority even though he is not the most voted, just as he did Pedro Sánchez after the general elections of July 23, in which he fell behind the PP.

“There are issues that honestly don’t matter, it’s just that no one buys them,” said Alegría, who also reiterated that the Catalans spoke at the polls on Sunday “with resounding clarity.”

Along the same lines, he thinks that now the political forces must make a “calm” reading of these results but considers that the message they have left is “clear” and the Catalans are asking for “a new stage and opening a new time in Catalonia.” .

Alegría has defended the Government’s ability to dialogue and reach agreements with all parliamentary forces, which in his opinion was demonstrated during the last legislature and has indicated that now they will continue “moving in the same direction.”

When asked again about what guarantees the Government has that its parliamentary partners ERC and Junts will continue to provide them with their support despite the fact that they have to face internal renewal processes due to the result of the elections, the spokesperson insisted on her message. initial: “There is going to be a Government in Catalonia and this legislature has more than three years left.”


Alegría has also made it clear that the Executive is not going to make any assessment about possible future agreements between parties and has stressed that the Government of Catalonia “is there and will be elected” in this community. “The one who will first have to convey his position and his opinion is the party that has clearly been the winner in these elections,” she maintains.

“It is clear and evident that there is a winning force that has concentrated a very majority support in Catalonia and that therefore it is up to it to initiate the different conversations with the rest of the political formations,” he indicated at another point in his speech.


Pilar Alegría has also been questioned about the hypothetical holding of a self-determination referendum in Catalonia, promoted by the pro-independence parties, which lost their majority in the Parliament last Sunday.

Regarding whether this circumstance changes the terms of the negotiation carried out between the PSOE, Junts and ERC abroad and with the participation of an international mediator, the spokesperson defended that the Government has maintained a clear position against the referendum. and considers that now the Catalans have also done the same with their vote.

In any case, he says that the Government is “perfectly aware” of the numerical composition of the Congress of Deputies and reiterates that they have shown ample evidence of being capable of closing agreements.