The acting president of Brazil, Geraldo Alckmin, has announced the transfer of Union resources for the municipalities of Rio Grande do Sul with calamity and emergency situations duly recognized by the Ministry of Integration and Regional Development (MDR).

To calculate the transfer, the Government will consider the value of 800 Brazilian reals (about 150 euros) per person affected by the consequences of the passage of the extratropical cyclone in those localities, as reported by the Brazilian Agency.

Alckmin, who holds the presidency until Lula da Silva returns from his trip to New Delhi to participate in the G20 summit, has clarified that the resources will come from the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight against Hunger (MDS) with the goal of helping local governments provide assistance to homeless families.

The Minister of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight against Hunger, Wellington Dias, has explained that the transfer of resources will depend on the presentation, by the mayors of Rio Grande do Sul, of the list of people affected by the strong rains.

Dias has highlighted that, although 79 municipalities have a calamity situation recognized by the federal government, this number could increase. “The recognition could reach 83 municipalities today. Now each municipality will present a list of the number of homeless people there are and we are authorized to serve them all.”

The Minister of the Communication Secretariat of the Presidency, Paulo Pimenta, has announced that the acting president will lead a delegation of ministers visiting the municipalities of Rio Grande do Sul, this Sunday.

“Once again we will meet with the state government, we will meet with the mayors, we will visit the affected regions to further organize this necessary support that the federal government is making available to the state government and city councils, especially for the most affected communities “, said Pimenta.

Alckmin has also confirmed the shipment of 20,000 food baskets, of which 5,000 will arrive this Sunday. In addition, a federal government situation room will be installed in Rio Grande do Sul to reinforce emergency assistance efforts in cities affected by the extratropical cyclone, whose coordination will be in charge of the commander of the Southern Military Command, Army General Hertz. Pires do Nascimento.

The intense rains have caused 41 deaths, according to the latest report from the state’s Civil Defense, released on Thursday night. There are still 25 people missing, 43 injured, 2,944 homeless and 7,607 displaced, in 83 cities and the state government estimates that more than 120,000 people have been affected.