The Council of Ministers will approve this Tuesday the prevalence of regional agreements over state and sectoral agreements as long as they are more beneficial for workers, as announced by the PNV, which has agreed on the rule with the Government.

Sources familiar with the negotiation have confirmed to Europa Press that the jeltzales and the State Executive reached an agreement on the matter this past Monday night and it will be approved this Tuesday in the Council of Ministers within the decree to reform unemployment benefits.

The prevalence of regional agreements was agreed in the investiture pact of the PNV and the PSOE in December 2023 and was in force until January 10 when the royal decree to reform the unemployment benefit that included it fell, as it could not be validated in Congress, since Podemos voted against, along with PP, Vox and UPN.

Then, the PNV already warned that it would remain “vigilant” so that the prevalence of regional agreements over state ones returned to the Council of Ministers, after it fell from the legislative framework due to the repeal of the decree-law on Labor.

Jeltzale deputy Idoia Sagastizabal stated that they were “sure” that as soon as the Government again approved the decree-law on subsidies or any other on labor matters, the prevalence “would be present” in the legislative text. Apparently, this will become a reality this Tuesday, after the agreement between the PNV and the Executive.