The Ibex 35 traded in the mid-session this Wednesday with a fall of 1.32%, which brought it to stand at 9,144.7 integers, in a session marked by the negotiation of the debt ceiling in the United States and the publication macroeconomic data such as the CPI in the United Kingdom or the German business confidence index.

On the one hand, investors will be pending today the conclusions of the meeting between the president of the United States, Joe Biden, and the leaders of Congress, with the aim of approving a debt ceiling and avoiding the ‘default’ that would occur on June 1 in case of not closing an agreement.

“For the moment the positions remain at odds and the Republicans are trying to reach an agreement that limits spending before accepting a rise in the debt ceiling,” say the experts at Renta 4.

In addition, the markets are also watching the conflict between the US and China in the microchip sector. The spokeswoman for the White House, Karine Jean-Pierre, yesterday criticized the “attacks” of the Chinese authorities on US companies, after the Chinese technology regulator has vetoed the purchase of products manufactured by the US company Micron Technology.

In the ‘Old Continent’, it was revealed today that the CPI for the United Kingdom for April stood at 8.7%, compared to the 10.1% registered in March, although this slowdown was thus less than expected by the consensus of analysts, who anticipated an inflation rate of 8.2%.

Furthermore, core inflation, which excludes the volatility of energy, food, alcohol and tobacco prices, accelerated in April to 6.8%, six tenths more than in March and its highest level since March 1992.

Another notable reference is the confidence index for German businessmen, prepared by the Munich Institute for Economic Research (Ifo), which registered its first decline in May, after accumulating six consecutive months of growth, since it has stood at 91.7 points from 93.4 last month.

In this context, practically all the Ibex 35 values ​​presented falls in the mid-session, except for Acciona Energías Renovables (0.63%), Rovi (0.60%) and Telefónica (0.35%).

On the other hand, the greatest decreases were registered by Meliá (-3.36%), Grifols (-3.16%), Sabadell (-2.92%), BBVA (-2.83%), Santander (-2 73%), CaixaBank (-2.05%), ArcelorMittal (-2%) and Unicaja Banco (-2%).

The main European markets were also trading in ‘red’, with falls of 2.36% in Milan, 1.71% in Paris, 1.61% in London and 1.53% in Frankfurt.

In the raw materials market, the price of a barrel of Brent quality oil, a reference for the Old Continent, stood at a price of 78.30 dollars, with a rise of 1.90%, while Texas was trading at 74 .44 dollars, with an increase of 2.10%.

At the opening of the European Stock Markets, the price of the euro against the dollar stood at 1.0769 ‘green tickets’, while, in the debt market, the interest demanded on the ten-year Spanish bond stood at 3.501%. and the risk premium was placed at 104 basis points.