The Ibex 35 has started the session this Wednesday with a rise of 0.45%, which has led the selective to stand at 9,123 integers, awaiting the results of the meeting of the Federal Reserve of the United States (Fed ), which will communicate its decision on interest rates after the market closes.

Tomorrow it will be the turn of the European Central Bank (ECB), which will have to decide whether or not to raise rates, pressured by the year-on-year inflation rate in the euro zone, which accelerated by one tenth in April compared to the previous month, reaching so 7%.

After losing 1.72% yesterday at the close of the session, reaching 9,082 points, the Ibex 35 woke up this Wednesday above the psychological level of 9,100 integers, with the main European stock markets also in green.

Thus, in the early stages of the session, the biggest increases were registered by ArcelorMittal (1.37%), Santander (1.19%), Banco Sabadell (1.1%), Inditex (0.94%) and BBVA (0.87%), while on the opposite side were Sacyr (-0.61%), IAG (-0.58% and Grifols (-0.54%).

The rest of the European stock markets also opened with increases: 0.89% for Milan, 0.43% for London, 0.32% for Frankfurt and 0.27% for Paris.

Likewise, the price of a barrel of Brent quality oil, a reference for the Old Continent, stood at a price of 75.30 dollars, with a slight decrease of 0.03%, while Texas stood at 71.53 dollars, with a drop of 0.18%.

Finally, the price of the euro against the dollar stood at 1.1033 ‘greenbacks’, while the Spanish risk premium stood at 104.9 basis points, with the interest required on the ten-year bond at 3.315%. .