The mayoress of Maracena (Granada), Berta Linares (PSOE), and her partner, who is accused of the kidnapping of the socialist mayor Vanessa Romero on February 21, held a meeting hours after the events next to a game room in this town, as has been proven both by the images from the security cameras and by the repeaters that place the telephone terminals of both in that place.

The experts have also revealed that around 2:00 p.m. that day he contacted his partner after several phone calls, sending him a WhatsApp message in which he said: “See you at my apartment at 2:00 p.m..” The investigations also point to the fact that both she, the Town Planning Councilor, Antonio García Leyva, and the PSOE-A Organization Secretary, Noel López, allegedly coincided in “the same direction of the antenna” of Maracena that day hours after the kidnapping. and a possible crossing of calls between the three.

This is clear from the report of the Judicial Police echoed by the Prosecutor’s Office in the document that it has provided to the Investigating Court 5 of Granada, which is investigating this case for which up to now he remains in provisional prison, communicated and without bail the alleged kidnapper for a crime of illegal detention after on February 21 he allegedly put councilor Vanessa Romero in a trunk with her head covered, her hands and feet tied with ties, after threatening her with a simulated gun. Later he parked her vehicle in a local Armilla (Granada) and left leaving her there; she managed to escape and report the facts.

The judge has lifted the secrecy of the proceedings and in an order issued this past Thursday, to which Europa Press has had access, agrees to deduce testimony of everything practiced in the Criminal Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia “for the alleged commission as inducer of a crime of illegal detention (…) by Noel López in his capacity as regional deputy” and also, “so as not to divide the continence of the cause”, by Berta Linares and Antonio García Leyva, “the three as alleged inducers or failing that for the alleged crime of conspiracy.”

The investigating judge agrees to continue the case regarding the former partner of the mayoress as the alleged perpetrator of the kidnapping and has given the parties ten days to formulate the allegations they deem appropriate. Along with this, the court has agreed to deduce testimony to investigate in a separate procedure the alleged crimes that could be derived from the urban records of the Maracena City Council that have been involved in the case.

After “a complete investigation” of the telephone terminals used by both the kidnapper and the mayoress of Maracena, the Councilor for Town Planning and Noel López on the day and hours after the kidnapping, the Prosecutor’s Office concludes that at 11:30 a.m. That day, both the councilor and the aforementioned councilor “are already aware” of the kidnapping and that Vanessa Romero had “managed to free herself.”

Then -and according to this preliminary report- the Town Planning councilor allegedly tried to speak with Noel López -also former mayor of Maracena and cousin of Berta Linares- “making several calls between them starting at 12:10 p.m. and establishing communication that would have the purpose of communicating what happened to Noel, who was in the province of Jaén”. Although “minutes later it can be verified in the addresses of the repeaters that Noel heads towards Granada” and shortly after, according to the investigators and the Public Ministry, “calls would be crossed” between the mayor, Berta Linares and Noel López, who would supposedly “call a lawyer.”

In the same time slots, a “meeting” allegedly took place between Berta Linares and the alleged kidnapper, who was still her sentimental partner at that time, next to a Maracena game room that ended at 12:28 p.m. This meeting has been “accredited both by the images of the security cameras and by the repeaters that place them both in that place.”

The investigations also point to the fact that around 12:30 p.m., Berta returned to the Town Hall and immediately left in the car of the mayor of Urban Planning, after which, around 1:30 p.m., both allegedly coincided “in the same direction of the antenna de Maracena” with Noel López, “the three met again later on another antenna” in this town, “as the tables that come together show”.

Between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m., Berta Linares allegedly contacted her partner after several phone calls, sending him a WhatsApp message stating, “See you at my apartment at 2:00 p.m..”

The Maracena Judicial Police were at Berta Linares’s apartment on the day of the kidnapping, and when they left, she presumably went to an area near a law firm. The first investigations carried out so far point to another possible meeting between her, the mayor and Noel López that same day.

None of the three is charged in this case, which the Court has referred to the TSJA as mentioned above so that it can decide the next steps to follow with respect to them. In the case of Noel López for being registered and the other two people who are not registered so as not to divide the continence of the case.