Requests that the “frequent and unusual” visits of the prosecutor be quantified to inquire about the progress of the case

The judge who opened proceedings following the complaint of Clean Hands against the wife of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, for an alleged crime of influence peddling, has requested that the National Police “given the status of the present proceedings” send him ” as soon as possible an authenticated copy of legible and visible size of the DNI of the investigated Begoña Gómez”.

This is stated in a ruling, to which Europa Press has had access, signed by the investigating judge Juan Carlos Peinado, in which Gómez is expressly addressed as “investigated” despite the fact that she does not formally have that status in the case.

In fact, legal sources consulted by Europa Press have stressed that Gómez does not have the formal status of being investigated, since no order has been issued in which she is summoned to testify as an accused and the allegedly criminal acts that are involved are explained. they attribute to him.

In another ruling, it asks the Lawyer of the Administration of Justice (LAJ) of the Instruction Court number 41 of Madrid to quantify “the frequent and unusual personal visits received at the headquarters of this judicial body by the representative of the Public Prosecutor’s Office.”

He makes this decision “given the unusual procedural attitude of the Prosecutor’s Office”, and adds that he does so “not only because of the uniqueness of the almost automatic filing of the appeal against the order to initiate these proceedings” but also for “the insistence on having immediate knowledge of the content of the resolutions, not only issued but those that could be issued.”


Prosecutor’s sources consulted by Europa Press point out this move by the judge that if the Public Ministry is interested in the case it is because the magistrate “does not notify the Prosecutor’s Office of anything.” They remember that he opened proceedings and did not notify them, and only did so when the prosecutor asked.

Furthermore, they focus on the fact that the Superior Court of Justice (TSJ) of Madrid issues press releases informing about the case and, on the other hand, “does not inform the Prosecutor’s Office that it is a party.” They give as an example that this Wednesday the court summoned several witnesses and that the Prosecutor’s Office had to ask ‘after the fact’ after reading it in the media.

“The normal thing is that information is requested when news comes out publicly,” they indicate, to underline that the paradox is that the media is informed and not the Prosecutor’s Office. “The Prosecutor’s Office is part of it, whether it likes it or not, and has to do its job,” these sources add.