The judge of the National Court (AN) Ismael Moreno has asked the Prosecutor’s Office to report on whether he should admit the complaint presented by Podemos so that the contents of the Borkum ship can be investigated and that it be detained due to the “serious suspicions” that it is carrying weapons. whose destination is Israel.

In an order, collected by Europa Press, the head of the Central Court of Instruction Number 2 initiates preliminary proceedings – which does not imply the opening of a criminal case – and asks the Prosecutor’s Office to rule on whether the court is competent and, If applicable, the procedures to be carried out.

The former Minister of Equality and head of the Podemos list in the European elections, Irene Montero, explained this Wednesday in statements to the media upon her arrival at the National Court that this complaint has been presented so that, “in every possible way”, “those weapons are prevented from reaching the genocidal State of Israel to commit genocide.”

Regarding the explanations given by the Ministry of Transport, which has stated that the cargo ship is not headed “in any case” to Israel, according to the information contained in the ship’s documentation, and that its cargo is destined for the Czech Republic , Montero insisted that this country “does not have a sea” and that the information available to Podemos is that “these weapons are destined for a port in Israel and that the company responsible for this weaponry is the largest Israeli military weapons company.” “.

That said, he stressed that with this information “there are at least indications” that “those weapons could end up being used in the commission of a genocide by the genocidal State of Israel.”

In this sense, Montero recalled that the international regulations in this regard are “very clear” and that Spain is “prohibited from facilitating the transit of military material that could be used to commit any violation of human rights and, specifically, a genocide”.