He accuses her of “falsifying” the accounts of the entity “with the collaboration” of the former director of the entity to “hide” the facts

The popular jury of the trial held at the Seville Court against the former director of the Andalusian Foundation Training and Employment Fund (Faffe) Fernando Villén and the former financial economic director of the entity Ana Valls, for payments in hostess clubs with bank cards of the aforementioned public entity, belonging to the Junta de Andalucía; has unanimously declared that Villén is “guilty of a continued illicit provision of public funds” for expenses in brothels and of “falsifying” the entity’s accounting, “with the collaboration” of Valls, to “simulate returns” of public money employee.

This has happened in the Court, after on the first day of the trial, Fernando Villén acknowledged that he had used his Faffe company card to pay for expenses in brothels, 32,566 euros more in detail.

However, Villén defended that he was always aware that he had to “return” to the Faffe the money for all those “improper” uses of the card for “unjustifiable” expenses in brothels, an extreme that according to his words he did “always”, with the “replenishment” of the card by contributing his own money for it, according to his words.

The former financial director of the entity, Ana Valls, stated on her side that before these practices reached the media, she knew “nothing” about such expenses, assuring that she felt “great embarrassment” like the rest of the staff of the Faffe.

But according to the prosecutor Fernando Soto, delegate in Seville of the Special Prosecutor’s Office against Corruption and Organized Crime, during the trial it has been proven that the former director of the Faffe “has not returned those amounts”; also reproaching him for having “silent with whom he spent those more than 32,000 euros” of public money in hostess clubs, alluding to what “high, medium or low position (of the Administration) or businessmen” would have accompanied him in those raids on premises like Don Ángelo, Top Show Girls, La Casita or Sala Delux.

In this framework, the popular jury, after detailing each of the spending “operations” addressed, specifying that 25,277 euros of the aforementioned 32,566 euros from the Faffe object of the trial were spent at the Don Ángelo club in Seville, has declared proven , unanimously, that Villén spent said amount of the funds of the public entity that he directed “for his personal gain, without having returned” the money.

According to the popular jury, Villén “never had the will” to return to the Faffe the money spent in brothels charged to his company card, since “there is no record” of the return from their bank accounts or “justifying documentation that proves” the returns in cash alluded to by Villén in the box of the public entity he directed.

It has also unanimously declared proven that Fernando Villén and Ana Valls, “by mutual agreement”, “simulated supposed returns” of the money spent by the former in the aforementioned brothels; exposing that the then director of the Faffe had the “collaboration and acquiescence” of the then financial director, to “falsify accounting notes” in the entity, in order to “simulate returns” of the money spent by Villén in brothels charged to his company card, through aspects such as “fictitious expenses” in “simulated” allowances, because “invoices or tickets” do not appear on them.


In its verdict, the popular jury has addressed aspects such as the 14,737 euros charged with the Faffe de Villén card on the night of March 22 to 23 in 15 consecutive payments at the Don Ángelo club; as well as the subsequent cancellation of such payments, under the premise that the card had a maximum limit of 3,000 euros per day; and the commission to Villén’s official driver to deliver an envelope with 14,737 euros to the club owner to settle the debt.

On these facts, the popular jury has declared proven, unanimously, that both defendants agreed “not to record” said expense in the Faffe accounts to “keep hidden” the facts, considering that the collection by Valls of two checks for a global value of 6,300 euros from the Faffe accounts, “the same day” of the cash payment to the owner of the club, Don Ángelo, was intended to “partially alleviate” said expense at the premises.

The popular jury has also addressed the invoice for 2,000 euros that appears in the accounts of the Faffe for an alleged lunch at the booth of the UGT Seville Fair in 2008, considered unanimously proven that of the total cost of 2,514 euros attributed to said event, “there are only subscribers” 514 euros by bank transfer to the partner of the person in charge of the booth, recalling that the latter testified in the trial that the Faffe did not pay him anything and that he was paid by UGT; weighing in parallel a “liquidation per box” of 2,000 euros spent at the Don Ángelo club.


In addition, the popular jury has indicated an expense of 2,591 euros in the nightclub Top Show Girls with the Faffe de Villén card, as well as the “simulation of an alleged income” in the entity’s box to cover said amount, considering unanimously proven that such income would be “fictitious” because it lacks supporting documentation.

The popular jury has also unanimously declared proven that of a “partial refund” noted in the Faffe accounts regarding 1,391 euros spent at the La Casita club with the Faffe de Villén card there is no “accounting documentation of the alleged fertilizer” in the box.

Thus, the popular jury has declared Villén “guilty of a continuous provision of public funds” for expenses in brothels and of “falsifying” with the “collaboration” of Valls the accounting notes of the Faffe to “simulate returns” that covered these expenses ; declaring the latter equally “guilty” of said accounting “falsification” and of the “illicit disposition” of 6,300 euros of the aforementioned two checks connected with the partial payment of the debt with the Don Ángelo club.


Given this, the prosecutor Fernando Soto has maintained his request for six years in prison, six years of special disqualification and a fine of 7,200 euros for Fernando Villén, as a cooperator of a continued crime of embezzlement in an ideal media contest with a crime of documentary falsification. ; while in the case of Ana Valls, he has raised his request from four years in prison to four and a half years in prison, plus four years of special disqualification and a fine of 6,000 euros for Ana Valls, as a necessary cooperator.

Villén’s defense has requested the minimum possible sentence for him, while Ana Valls’ defense has requested that the sentence of her patron be reduced to two and a half years in prison.

At the end of the reading of the verdict, whose object exceeded 20 pages, Judge Mercedes Alaya, president of the court and initial instructor of the macro-cause of fraudulent employment regulation files (ERE) financed by the Junta de Andalucía, has recognized expressly the “great and superhuman effort” demonstrated by the popular jury in this trial.