Kings Felipe VI and Letizia wanted to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their wedding on May 22, 2004 with a series of photos accompanied by the Princess of Asturias and Infanta Leonor that were taken in the gardens of the Royal Palace.

In the snapshots, which Casa Real has distributed, the Kings are seen accompanied by their two daughters in an affectionate and complicit attitude. Of the eleven images distributed, all taken in the Campo del Moro gardens, only one shows Don Felipe and Doña Letizia alone and with the Royal Palace in the background.

Only two of the images show a pose of the four members of the Royal Family, one on a bench with the Kings sitting and their daughters standing behind, and another standing in perspective with the Queen in front, followed by the Infanta Sofía, the Princess Leonor and the King in the background.

Added to this is another image taken from a different angle while they were being photographed on the same bench, as well as another of the Kings on a different bench – the Queen sitting on the backrest and the King behind – and their daughters approaching in the background. .

The rest of the photos are of Don Felipe with each of his daughters, as well as Doña Letizia with the Princess and the Infanta hugging each other in a hug. The series shared for the occasion is completed by two snapshots of the heir to the throne and her sister, one on a bench and the other walking arm in arm while they chat.

The making of the images has not been easy, as Zarzuela recognizes, due to the busy schedule of the Kings, the fact that Princess Leonor is undergoing her military training at the Army Academy in Zaragoza and Infanta Leonor studying high school in Wales.

In principle, according to the public agenda released this Friday by Casa Real, the Kings do not have any official events planned for Wednesday the 22nd, the date of their 20th wedding anniversary. In a little over a month another important anniversary will take place, the tenth of the proclamation of Don Felipe as King.