The Popular Parliamentary Group has joined Sumar and has overturned the PSOE law to prohibit pimping, which was debated this Tuesday in the Congress of Deputies. Specifically, the initiative, which has divided the Government, has had 122 votes in favor (PSOE and BNG), 36 abstentions (Vox and Podemos) and 184 against (PP, Sumar, ERC, Junts, EH Bildu and PNV) .

In the debate on the initiative, the deputy of the Popular Parliamentary Group Ana Isabel Alós has asked the PSOE to withdraw its bill to prohibit pimping, since the PP, which has abstained, considers that it is “absolutely insufficient.”

“After all the interventions that have been heard here this afternoon, I ask you to withdraw the bill and from there we negotiate a comprehensive law against human trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation,” the ‘popular’ deputy requested. Ana Isabel Alós to the Minister of Equality, Ana Redondo, in the debate on the consideration of the law against pimping, which took place in the Congress of Deputies.

Along these same lines, Alós has criticized the PSOE for making a “paper” after bringing the same bill after having “parked” it in the last legislature. Furthermore, he has asked that they recognize that “there is no political will to address this issue.”

For her part, the Vox deputy María Ruiz has specified that the socialists’ proposal “is not enough” for the formation led by Santiago Abascal. “Our objective, ladies and gentlemen, is to put an end to pimping and trafficking with the force of the law, to the origin of the problem to nip in the bud any circumstance that could lead to it and to work to ensure that no person, no person who does not wish to prostitute, is seen obliged to do so,” he stressed.

Meanwhile, the PSOE government partners have reproached the socialists that the law with which they want to prohibit pimping is an “electoralist” initiative.

Thus, the EH Bildu deputy Bel Pozueta has transferred the rejection of her formation to the initiative of the socialists and has said that they are willing to work for a comprehensive law, but has added that they will not find them on the way “if it is to criminalize and further marginalize those who already live marginalized and unprotected. “The PSOE only presents a proposal to punish, attack and unprotect those who work in prostitution, condemning them to greater exclusion and insecurity. It is looking for an effective leader in the face of elections that leave thousands of people even more stranded,” he criticized.

The representative of Sumar Gala Pin has said that “the best way to guarantee the rights of prostitutes is to repeal the Immigration Law.” Furthermore, she has stressed that her party cannot vote in favor of a bill that she has called “quite tacky.” “She proposes absolutely no solution, no itinerary, no alternative measure, no economic proposal for labor support, absolutely no type,” she added.

Martina Velarde, from Podemos, has taken the same line, indicating that the socialists’ proposal “is going to generate more headlines than concrete changes in the lives of women who are in contexts of prostitution” and has denounced that “it puts at risk to women in prostitution contexts, their families and their support environments. Likewise, she has requested that the Immigration Law be modified, “because the abolition means, in addition to the end of impunity of the pimping industry, papers for all housing, training, health, employment and guaranteed rights for all women in the context of prostitution “.

For her part, Joseba Andoni Agirretxea, of the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) has criticized the socialists for bringing a bill that “cuts the rope and does not set a net.” “What you are proposing here is obviously a punishment for pimps, but an absolute abandonment of prostituted people, prostitutes or in prostitution environments, use the term you deem appropriate,” he pointed out.

Deputy Pilar Calvo, from Junts per Catalunya, has indicated to the PSOE that if what they want is to adjust the Penal Code to be able to punish pimping “there are ways to do it without sending regulated prostitution underground.” Thus, she added that if the consideration is successful, they will present amendments.

Pilar Vallugera, Esquerra Republicana (ERC), has pointed out that this issue “breaks feminism.” “Present the trafficking law once and for all and repeal the Immigration and Aliens Law once and for all and maybe we can start working,” she assured.

On the other hand, the representative of the Mixed Group, Cristina Valido, has shown her support for the initiative, saying that “we must debate, we must go deeper, we must work to prevent many unpresentable people from continuing to benefit from the exploitation of women.” , girls and boys”. In addition, she has asked to process the proposal and work to make the appropriate corrections, amendments or modifications “to combat those who profit from exploitation.”

For her part, the socialist deputy Andrea Fernández, who has defended the initiative, has highlighted the need for a “refined” Penal Code, as well as “the commendable work of the State Security Forces and Bodies” and “a criminal policy that pursue these crimes as a priority.” “The root of prostitution, ladies and gentlemen, is machismo, it is violence against women, it is the prevalence of men over women and, above all, it is the perception of women as assets,” she stressed.

Likewise, the socialist has been “proud” that her group is “deeply punitive against those who pay for sex, against pimps and against those who rent rights.”

In this sense, he has asked Podemos, Sumar and the Popular Party to “put aside the games, the short dribble and the low-level politics.” “Let us live up to the word given, let us live up to the victims, yes, ladies and gentlemen, and what we share as responsible parties. Let us commit to negotiation and agreement, and let us also commit to listening to each other during the parliamentary process,” has emphasized.

For its approval, the initiative needed the support of at least an absolute majority (176 votes) to modify several articles of the Penal Code to toughen the punishment for pimping in all its forms.

Specifically, the text modified article 187.2 to increase the prison sentence from two to four years, instead of one to three that there is now, “for anyone who, for profit, promotes, favors or facilitates the prostitution of another person.” , even with its consent.”

It also changed 187.3., which included a new letter that added that “it aggravates the penalties when the victim is or has been a wife, or a woman who is or has been linked to him by an analogous emotional relationship even without cohabitation, or person especially vulnerable who lives with the author.

Finally, the last change was in 187.ter 2., which reflected that, in the event that the person performing the act of a sexual nature was a minor or a person in a vulnerable situation, the prison sentence would be imposed. from one to three years and a fine of 24 to 48 months, instead of 18 to 24 months “to adapt it to what the Penal Code provides” (the maximum extension of the fine sentence cannot exceed 24 months).