This Sunday, the Popular Party reinforced its rejection of the future amnesty law and the “deceptions” of the PSOE with a massive protest at Puerta del Sol in Madrid with one million attendees, according to figures from the party itself, which distance themselves from the offered by the Government Delegation, 80,000.

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has shown in this meeting his forceful rejection of the pacts of the PSOE with the pro-independence formations and has asked the acting president of the Government and general secretary of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, to stop the “deceptions “and call new elections.

“Spain is going to have a president who has bought his investiture in exchange for the judicial impunity of his partners paid for with the taxes of the Spanish people,” Feijóo warned within the framework of the demonstration in the capital, which was the central event. of all the concentrations called by the ‘popular’ in the squares of the 52 provincial capitals. The PP has estimated the number of people it has managed to gather throughout Spain at two million.

In the mobilization in Madrid, Feijóo has been supported by the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso; the former president of the Government José María Aznar; the Madrid mayor, José Luis Martinez-Almeida, and the deputy secretary of Culture and Open Society, Borja Semper, among others.

During the protest, a manifesto was read that called for “defending the rule of law, protesting against the amnesty and guaranteeing equality for Spaniards, regardless of the autonomous community in which they live.”

The protest, which has developed under the slogan ‘No to amnesty. For the equality of the Spanish people’, started around 12:00 pm with the ‘popular’ leaders arriving at Puerta del Sol to the rhythm of ‘People have the power’.

Thus, they have stressed that they are not going to remain silent in the face of the “challenge to democracy” that the amnesty law represents and have stressed the need for the “indignation that we feel” to become a “cry” that can be heard throughout Spain. .

“We are going to fight against impunity. We will do it in the institutions, in the parliaments, in the courts of justice, in the European Union (EU) and, yes, also in the streets, in a peaceful, civic and legitimate way” , they pointed out during the reading of the manifesto.

For his part, Almeida, in charge of opening the event, warned the PSOE that “Spain will not surrender” and asked those present for “hope and confidence.” Subsequently, Ayuso, amid cries of ‘president, president’, has charged against the current acting president of the Government for dynamiting “the rules of the game” and subduing the institutions, censuring that he has decided to be “the executive, legislative and judicial power “.

Finally, Feijóo’s turn has arrived, who during his speech made a defense for the unity of Spain and a call to continue demonstrating peacefully. “We will not remain silent until we speak in elections and we can all vote again because what is being done is the opposite of what we voted for,” he added.

Given this, he has asserted that the PP says “no to amnesty, no to impunity, no to inequality, and yes to a Spain of free and equal citizens.” We will win this battle, that of reason, equality, law and the rule of law”, concluded Feijóo.

Although the demonstration was scheduled for 12:00 p.m., the first protesters began to arrive around 10:30 a.m., starting a protest that took place normally, in a peaceful and protesting atmosphere, with attendees of all ages.

The square has been full of Spanish and EU flags, and numerous banners that read ‘Spain on its feet’ or ‘no amnesty’, among other things. Likewise, cries of ‘Puigdemont to prison’, ‘Sánchez criminal’ or ‘United Spain will never be defeated’ have been heard.

After officially beginning the mobilization around 12:00 p.m., when the interventions of the ‘popular’ leaders began, the protest concluded after 1:00 p.m. to the rhythm of the Spanish anthem. Some of the protesters have taken the opportunity to head through the surrounding streets towards Gran Vía, on the way to Ferraz Street, to join the protests called in front of the PSOE headquarters.


The PP meeting at Puerta del Sol has also been attended by the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, who upon arrival, amid applause and shouts of “president” by some attendees, has rejected any exercise of “restraint” in relation to to protests against the amnesty.

“No tolerance against the coup d’état, all the forcefulness and permanent mobilization, not only in the streets but in the institutions,” he claimed before the media and insisted that the mobilizations “cannot stop” because “we know where the final stretch of this coup takes us.” Once the event was over, and accompanied by hundreds of people, Abascal addressed Ferraz.

Another of the attendees was the general secretary of Cs, Adrián Vázquez. “Today we take a break from the work in Brussels to accompany in Madrid, and throughout Spain, the millions of Spaniards who feel helpless and humiliated by Sánchez’s attack on our rule of law. You are not alone. We are going to stop him feet, in Spain and Europe.”, he expressed through his X account.