The PSOE considers it “of vital importance” that trade union and business organizations “sit down to talk and agree on a salary increase”, which would be a “question of social justice” and would give “confidence and stability” to the Spanish economy.

This has been stated by the PSOE in its manifesto on the occasion of this May 1st, a text in which it has underlined its “hope” so that “before the end of the legislature it will be possible for the social agents to reach a new agreement in the field of collective bargaining”.

For the PSOE, the salary increase is necessary at this time when “the data shows that business profits are rising above salaries.”

On the occasion of International Workers’ Day, the formation has also recalled that despite the “context of uncertainty” in recent years, with “challenges” such as the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, in Spain they have “conquered rights that cannot even be They shouldn’t go back.”

In this sense, he has vindicated the three aid packages launched by the war in Ukraine or measures such as the increase in the Minimum Vital Income (IMV) and the Minimum Interprofessional Wage (SMI), the increase in pensions or the labor reform that “He has managed to reduce temporary employment to a historical minimum without this having translated into job destruction.”

All of this, the PSOE has highlighted, has occurred in “a context of more than remarkable growth, since 2022 Spain closed with a growth rate of 5.5%, well above the average for the euro area and economies such as German, French or Italian”.

The PSOE has also extolled that the Government’s road map has been the same from the beginning, “guaranteeing social protection for the middle and working classes, supporting the productive fabric and distributing the burdens of the crisis in the fairest way possible”. .

“To a large extent this has been achieved”, he applauded, to celebrate “with special satisfaction” that the Living Conditions Survey has verified that poverty fell in Spain in 2022 to pre-pandemic levels, despite the situation of inflation.

With the entry into the last phase of the legislature, it enters its last phase, the PSOE has guaranteed that it will continue working “until the last day to continue complying with these three objectives”, as it is doing “with the latest proposals on social housing”. .

In this line, the training has also claimed the agreement reached with the unions to complete the reform of the public pension system and the Employment Law that came into force last March.

Likewise, he has expressed his “absolute respect” for social dialogue. “Experience shows time and time again that the standards that are agreed upon with the social agents enjoy greater stability and, ultimately, are better standards”, he added, highlighting the Occupational Health and Safety Strategy 2023- as a good example. 2027, recently approved by the Council of Ministers and with which there are already 17 agreements reached with social dialogue by the current Executive.

On the other hand, the PSOE has reminded all those who “have fought to achieve fair working conditions” and has expressed its solidarity “with the situation of repression that is suffered in some countries for the mere fact of demanding labor rights and carry out union activities, while calling for “peace and an end to the illegal occupation of Ukraine”.