In a single session he has lost the same number of votes that he accumulated since the legislature began and there are now a dozen


The PSOE has accumulated a total of six defeats in the votes that took place in the Plenary Session of Congress this week, from whose agenda the Ministry of Housing withdrew the reform of the Land Law precisely due to the lack of support to obtain forward its processing. In a single session, Pedro Sánchez’s men have lost six votes, the same defeats they had since the beginning of the legislature.

Last Tuesday the socialists already saw how their bill against pimping was rejected, which only garnered support from the Mixed Group – from the BNG, the Canarian Coalition, the Navarro People’s Union and the former minister José Luis Ábalos -. The rest of its partners, including Sumar, voted against, as did the PP, while Vox opted to abstain. Furthermore, this was the first time in the legislature that a law promoted by the Socialist Group fell.

And in the votes this Thursday the PSOE has suffered another five defeats: two on separate points of a non-law proposal from the PP on access to basic foods and the other three in a motion, also from the ‘popular’, on politics. abroad.

Specifically, Congress, with both the PSOE and Sumar voting against, has urged the Government to take measures to reduce VAT on basic foods in all links of the food chain, as well as to maintain the VAT reduction of basic products and expand it, at least, to meat, fish and preserves.

The PP motion on foreign policy has also been voted on points and, in this case, the socialists have lost three votes.

In one of them, demanding the Government to revoke its move on the Sahara, the coalition Executive groups have been divided, as the PSOE has voted against, but Sumar has supported the PP proposal, which has been approved.

The two partners have agreed, voting against the Government making public the calendar agreed with Morocco for the reopening of the commercial customs in Melilla and the opening of the one in Ceuta, and also voting against condemning the violation of human rights in “dictatorships” of Latin America, but both points have been achieved.

Early this Thursday, given the lack of support to ensure its processing, the Ministry of Housing has decided to withdraw its reform of the Land Law, thus avoiding another potential defeat. What was going to be voted on were the entire amendments that ERC, Junts and Podemos had presented and that were going to receive the support of both Sumar and Bildu.

The socialists were confident that they would be able to save the process and that the Chamber would take the law into consideration thanks to the votes of the PP, since, according to Housing, the norm includes the demands of the town councils and had been negotiating with the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), chaired by the mayor of Jerez, the ‘popular’ María José García Pelayo.

With the votes of this Plenary, the PSOE has equaled the number of defeats it had accumulated in the chamber since the beginning of the legislature and has doubled the total count, going from six to a dozen.

The coalition government suffered its first parliamentary defeat on January 10, 2024, when Podemos overturned the decree law drafted by Yolanda Díaz’s ministry that included a reform of unemployment benefits.

And three weeks later the second arrived. On that occasion, it was Junts that rejected the proposed Amnesty Law in the overall vote to which it was submitted because it was organic in nature. Those of Míriam Nogueras voted against, preventing the necessary 176 votes from being reached and the text returned to the Justice Commission.

On February 29, the Plenary approved the disapproval of the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, for the death of two civil guards in the port of Barbate (Cádiz) when they were run over by a drug boat. Political censorship, promoted by the PP and supported by Vox, went ahead when Podemos and Junts, two regular partners of the coalition government, abstained.

And on March 14, the opposition won the first vote on the so-called ‘Koldo case’, putting forward a motion from the PP demanding that the Government clarify responsibilities and demanding more audits and more documentation on contracts in the pandemic. The initiative went ahead because ERC and Junts They opted for abstention and abandoned the ‘no’ front led by PSOE and Sumar.

In the first plenary session of the month of April, the Government suffered a new defeat and saw how, despite its vote against, a PP initiative demanding the deflation of personal income tax to compensate for the rise in inflation was approved, a text that went ahead thanks to the abstention of Junts, PNV and BNG.

And on April 23, the PSOE and Sumar could not prevent Congress from taking into consideration a PP law proposal to relax protection for the Iberian wolf, and the ‘popular’ joined Vox, Junts and PNV, while Bildu chose to abstain.