Contacts between the PSOE and Junts have cooled down and disagreements remain over the scope of the amnesty and its wording, starting with the statement of reasons, according to Junts sources.

For its part, the PSOE confirms that this Friday there was a meeting between the Secretary of the Socialist Organization, Santos Cerdán, and the former Catalan president, Carles Puigdemont, and indicate that the conversations continue.

The number three of the PSOE met this Friday in Brussels with Puigdemont to break up the negotiations for an amnesty law, a condition for Junts to support the investiture of the socialist candidate, Pedro Sánchez. However, the versions between the parties differ and some Junts sources even deny the meeting with Cerdán and maintain that they only held an internal meeting.

“The problem is how the amnesty is approached and the reason why it is granted,” said other Junts sources consulted by Europa Press, who see the positions between socialists and Junts even more distant.

They also warn that Puigdemont is not willing to give in on certain issues, thereby ruling out the possibility of an agreement with the PSOE and that an investiture plenary session could be held next week.

Puigdemont’s party ended the meeting between Cerdán and the former president around noon – after just over two hours of meeting – and without reaching an agreement on the scope of the amnesty law.

However, on the socialist side they maintained that there had only been a recess, but that the meeting continued and was not yet over.

After that break, Puigdemont; The general secretary of Junts, Jordi Turull, and the Junts spokesperson in Congress, Míriam Nogueras, met again in an office and stated that it was an internal meeting. Finally, around 1:30 p.m., they left the room and left the building.

On the other hand, in Madrid, the deputy spokesperson for Sumar and leader of En Comú Podem, Aina Vidal, has guaranteed that the future Amnesty Law will not benefit causes related to alleged corruption, such as cases of possible money laundering, as it is a “red line” that will not be crossed.

Both she and the parliamentary spokesperson, Marta Lois, have minimized the obstacles with Junts and have expressed confidence that the agreement on the norm is imminent and is in the “last meters” to be formalized, although discretion is required.

Of course, Vidal has warned that the only risk in this final stretch is falling into “partisanship” instead of maintaining the responsibility that has been displayed until now, to urge Junts and ERC to stop “looking askance at each other” and stop their struggle to collaborate in favor of the country’s interests.

In the left-wing coalition there are voices who think that these latest obstacles have more to do with a staging strategy by Junts, alluding to a race with the Republicans to enjoy prominence over the norm.

In this regard, they are convinced that what is being discussed now is nothing insurmountable or something that has not been put on the table before. That is to say, they assure that no red line established by the amnesty will be crossed and they rule out that the delay has to do with the casuistry, with people who will benefit from the rule.